
dvd of the week If you forget that you hate Tom Cruise, you may like him in Oblivion, which is a serious, artful science fiction film hidden behind the veneer of a shoot-‘em-up blockbuster. Cruise plays Jack Harper, who along with his girlfriend Victoria (a most excellent Andrea Riseborough), is tasked with managing and repairing…

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Chilean army general sorry for anti-LGBT, anti-Jehovah’s Witness, anti-mentally ill, anti-poor recruitment order

Gen. Juan Miguel Fuente-Alba has apologized for directing army recruiters to beware of homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others, as they were not worthy recruits for the Chilean army. However, rights groups are still demanding a forced retirement from the Gen. Fuente-Alba. In a positive sign of the times indicating continued progress on the LGBT civil…

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Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, OutServe Launch ‘Stories from Home: Letters from Military Families to Congress’

Two letters written by military personnel were spotlighted as part of the launch of a new Internet campaign sponsored by Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) and OutServe to shed light on inequalities suffered veterans and active-duty servicemebers because of the Defense of Marriage Act and other discriminatory federal laws. The campaign is being called,  “Stories From…

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