Ohio married same-sex couples take their case back to the Supreme Court

Same-sex marriage is heading back to the Supreme Court as married same-sex couples asked the Supreme Court Friday to hear their appeal of a recent appeals court ruling upholding Ohio’s ban on recognizing their marriages, which were granted in other states, reports Buzzfeed. “These cases are about love, from birth to death,” the lawyers for…

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Religious groups appeal to President Obama for ENDA-like protections for any order affecting federal contracts

With any hope for legislative action on the Employer Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) all but quashed for the foreseeable future, President Obama has announced plans for an executive order banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity for all federal contractors seeking bids from the U.S. Government. The action, which politically speaking is about all…

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Gov. Corbett declines to appeal, PA marriage ruling stands

WASHINGTON – The day after a federal court struck down Pennsylvania’s ban on marriage equality, Gov. Tom Corbett announced the state would not appeal the ruling, officially making Pennsylvania the nineteenth state, plus the District of Columbia, where gay and lesbian couples can legally marry. As of today, 44 percent of Americans live in a…

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Taiwan rejects appeal from same-sex couple looking to wed

Despite a 28-year effort to get Taiwan to recognize same-sex marriage, Chi Chia-wei and his husband in all but name, have failed to persuade a Taiwanese court to strike down a ban preventing a government agency from registering their marriage. The decision, the ManilaTimes.net reports, is “a major setback for equal rights.” Taiwan, an outlier…

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Juror discrimination case will not be appealed

In January, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled in a pharmaceutical contract dispute, Abbott Laboratories v. SmithKline Beecham, that it violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection to exclude someone from jury service because of his or her sexual orientation.  In doing so, the court also concluded that discrimination based on…

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New Utah attorney general will ‘spend whatever it takes’ to fight equal marriage

Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes has told reporters that the state is ready to appeal US District Judge Robert Shelby’s landmark ruling by taking it to the US Supreme Court. Just minutes after being sworn in on Monday, Reyes said, “We’re willing to spend whatever it takes to protect the laws and the will of…

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HRC on Utah’s same-sex marriage appeal: ‘Defending discrimination is indefensible’

WASHINGTON – The Utah Attorney General’s office has announced they would be continuing their appeal of a federal judge’s decision allowing marriage for lesbian and gay couples. With no other details, the AG’s office announced that they will bring in outside counsel at the expense of taxpayers.  HRC Vice President for Communications Fred Sainz issued the following…

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Same-sex couples break marriage records in Utah; state to appeal ruling to U.S. Supreme Court

The number of marriages in the state of Utah have broken all records since a federal judge overturned Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage a week ago. According to a report in  The Salt Lake Tribune, as of close of business Thursday, more than 1,225 marriage licenses had been issued in Utah since last Friday and…

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Statement: U.S. concern with anti-homos​exuality legislatio​n in Uganda

Today the White House issued the following statement by Jen Psaki, spokesperson on U.S. concern with the passage of the Ugandan anti-homosexuality legislation: We are deeply concerned by the Ugandan Parliament’s passage of anti-homosexuality legislation.  As Americans, we believe that people everywhere deserve to live in freedom and equality – and that no one should face…

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