Thousands of students across Catholic high schools in Washington State protest an anti-LGBT firing

WASHINGTON – The future victory of LGBT equality has long been visible in demographic data. Public polling reveals that support for LGBT equality among so-called “Millennials” is currently between 70 and 80 percent and continues to grow. This broad support is mirrored across demographic groups, but it’s especially stark among American Catholics of all ages…

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Madonna joins HRC’s #LoveConquersHate campaign in the fight for LGBT equality in Russia

Madonna has  joined thousands of others from around the world to be part of the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC)  #LoveConquersHate campaign – standing in solidarity with LGBT people in Russia. Her note is below: “Love conquers hate.” It’s an iconic message that the Human Rights Campaign’s members and supporters have spread to millions around the…

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HRC calls on Olympic sponsors to condemn anti-LGBT law in Russia, advocate for equality worldwide

WASHINGTON –  Human Rights Campaign (HRC) President Chad Griffin has sent a letter to the heads of the top sponsors of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) expressing concern over the anti-LGBT Russian law criminalizing “homosexual propaganda.”  In addition to raising awareness about the law that has led to multiple human rights abuses, particularly hate-based violence…

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Lady Gaga - MTV - LGBT Weekly

Russian official launches visa investigation against Lady Gaga, Madonna

Russian anti-gay lawmaker Vitaly Milonov appears to be sending a message to performing artists coming to Russia: speak out in favor of gay rights and be investigated. Milonov appears to have triggered an investigation into visits to the country by Lady Gaga and Madonna, both of whom made spectacles of Russia’s anti-gay laws during their performances. The…

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Video footage of Romney’s anti-LGBT revelations on gay parenting (VIDEO)

Further to investigative reporter Murray Waas‘ article published last week in the Boston Globe, highlighted on, revealing his real stand on same-sex marriage and gay parenting videos have come to light showing Romney making those bigoted claims against LGBT parents. The first shows Romney speaking to conservative voters in South Carolina in 2005 and…

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