San Francisco 49ers become first NFL team to join anti-LGBT bullying campaign

San Francisco 49ers Tape \’It Gets Better\’ anti-LGBT bullying video The San Francisco 49ers have become the first NFL team to join the “It Gets Better” public service announcement campaign, which seeks to assure LGBT youth that, despite whatever circumstances they now face, being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender doesn’t mean being doomed to live…

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Former NFL commissioner gifts $1 million to Georgetown University’s LGBT Center

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students will be in good hands at Georgetown University after former National Football League Commissioner Paul J. Tagliabue and his wife donated $1 million to create a new program to assist LGBT students. The money will start a new LGBT program called the Tagliabue Initiative for LGBT Life: Fostering Formation…

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Ariz. School District refuses to meet with anti-bullying group, hangs up on activist

A gay student at Wigwam Creek Middle School is seeking public action to help put an end to verbal harassment and bullying at his school after the districts superintendent has refused to take action on the matter. Pleas for long-term bullying solutions from the boy’s family and LGBT support groups including Gays and Lesbians United…

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Gay, San Diego: LGBT WEEKLY

Spirit Day promotes LGBT equality and spreads anti-bullying message

Today marks the celebrated Spirit Day, where millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and allies come together in celebration of supporting LGBT youth and the stand against bullying. Those in participation of Spirit Day wear purple to symbolize the special day. “From Hollywood to corporate America to local grassroots advocates, Americans are taking…

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Larry King San Diego LGBT Weekly

This just in: D.A. says murdered gay student “was executed for who he was”

Nothing but tragedy plumes from details in the murder trial surrounding gay student Larry King and classmate Brandon McInerney.  As the murder plot unfolds, the prosecution hones in on McInerney, the teen killer currently facing a sentence of first-degree murder for the execution of his  classmate, King. The case began in 2008, when McInerney shot…

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