How they have aged

Here in Portland, my home town, things don’t change very much so it is easy to feel we don’t either. It is therefore strange when I see seniors the age of my classmates, but I don’t recognize any of them. More puzzling, why does no one recognize me? Even with an added pound or two…

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Manage the damage

There are so many aspects to preventing the unwanted aspects of aging that it’s impossible to cover them all in one article. In my anti-aging practice, patients receive counseling and direction on exercise, eating right, hydration, nutritional supplementation, sleep, stress reduction, skin care and optimizing hormones. You would probably never need my services if you…

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ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Americans’ ideology and age drive gay marriage views

Ideology and a vast age gap mark public attitudes about gay marriage, supported in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll by 77 percent of adults under age 30 – vs. just half as many seniors. Most Americans overall, 56 percent, support allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally, not significantly different from the all-time high,…

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Legendary author Maya Angelou dies at age 86

A literary voice revered globally for her poetic command and her commitment to civil rights has fallen silent, reports CNN. Maya Angelou died at her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on Wednesday, said her literary agent, Helen Brann. Angelou had been “frail” and suffering from heart problems, the agent said. Angelou’s legacy is twofold. She…

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Fashion ramblings

My reticence to criticize is well-known, but on occasion I feel duty bound to comment. For instance, on the bus yesterday a young woman had her mini-mini skirt half-way to third base coming within a hair (so to speak) of exposing her most private nether regions. This may be “fashion,” but in my day, it…

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What’s love got to do with it? Plenty, finds new Mason study

FAIRFAX, Va. – A first-of-its-kind study by researchers at George Mason University’s Department of Global and Community Health and Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health Promotion draws some conclusions to an age-old question: What does love have to do with sex, in particular, among gay and bisexual men in the United States? While most research about love has been…

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