CNN anchor cuts short interview with Bryan Fischer over ‘hate speech’ (VIDEO) CNN’s Carol Costello cut short her interview with American Family Association spokesperson Bryan Fischer, after he repeatedly used anti-gay language on air. During a discussion about the anti-bullying initiative Mix It Up Day, Fischer attacked the idea and said, “It is a thinly-veiled attempt to push the normalization of homosexual behavior in public schools…

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The Indigo Girls need to stop including the ‘T’ in their community activism language

Transprogressive BY AUTUMN SANDEEN What is the “My Family. Together.” campaign that was launched in February 2012? According to Immigration Equality: “For couples facing separation, exile or undocumented status, the president’s inaction has serious, immediate consequences. Today, we are telling the president: We can’t wait. Today, we’re launching a new campaign – My Family. Together….

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