Catching up
Let me start by getting you guys caught up on my fun Friday after my last column. A group of us went to see Lisa Lampanelli at the Spreckels Theatre. Ryan Bedrosian of Rich’s was kind enough to arrange a Hummer limo for us, and by the time we got there we were all feeling…

Rocha refutes ‘flawed’ news reports
Gay sailor says anonymous sources do not reflect navy’s official decision The Associated Press has reported, “the Navy says it wrongly accused Navy dog handler Michael Toussaint of singling out a gay sailor for hazing at kennels he ran in Bahrain.” However, that gay sailor, San Diegan Joseph Rocha, says the AP has their facts…
Diversionary stages ‘Fair Use’ West Coast Premiere
Diversionary Theatre continues 25th Anniversary Year with the West Coast premiere of Fair Use by Sarah Gubbins. The show opens Feb. 26 and runs through March 13. Sexual politics collide with legal brinksmanship in this whip-smart romantic comedy. While attorneys at a Chicago law firm take on a high-profile plagiarism case, their after-hours romantic triangle…

Teaching teachers how to fight LGBT issues
If we could travel back in time to see Vinnie Pompei in high school, we would have found a young boy studying the scribbles on bathroom walls, scrutinizing the stickers and buttons on his teachers’ message boards and searching for just one sign – any sign – of someone he could talk to about being…
GSDBA updates its iPhone app
Last year, the San Diego Greater San Diego Business Association (GSDBA) was the first LGBT Chamber of Commerce in the country to offer an iPhone app of its Business Resource Directory. This year, the GSDBA has just launched new, improved iPhone and iPad apps. To download your new app, log on to gsdba.org or search…
PFLAG speaks about ‘ex-gay’ movement
PFLAG San Diego’s monthly meeting features Michael Bussee, the co-founder of Exodus International who now speaks out against the “ex-gay” movement. The group meets Feb. 28, 7-9 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Mission Valley, 2231 Camino del Rio South. For more information, log on to pflag.com.

Bowling for HRC
The San Diego chapter of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) presents the third annual Bowling for Equality, Feb. 26. The fundraising event is from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at the Kearny Mesa Bowl, 7585 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Tickets for individual bowlers are $35, lane sponsors are $125 and include sponsor recognition of one lane, and participating sponsors…
Hate crime remains relatively the same
There were 20 reports of hate crimes committed during 2010 because of the victim’s sexual orientation, an increase of only three from the previous year, according to the San Diego Police Department’s annual crime statistics report which was heard by a City Council committee on Feb. 16. There were only 17 such crimes in 2009,…