Doug Case to head San Diego Democratic Club for 2011
Assemblywoman Toni Atkins recently administered the oath of office to the San Diego Democratic Club’s new slate of officers. The officers include: Doug Case, President; Jeri Dilno, Executive Vice-President; Craig Roberts, Vice-President for Political Action; Matt Corrales, Vice-President for Development; Brad Jacobson, Secretary; and John Gordon, Treasurer. “We need to re-tool and re-energize the Club…
Democratic Club to review proposed voter initiative
The San Diego Democratic Club (SDDC) will host a panel discussion on a new initiative to reform the governance structure of the San Diego Unified School District at the Club’s March 24 meeting. The initiative is being sponsored by a group of parents and business leaders called “San Diegans 4 Great Schools.” The organization is…
Cross dressing ‘Tootsie Bandit’ pleads guilty to bank heists
A Hillcrest man who is believed to be the cross dressing “Tootsie Bandit” pleaded guilty March 8 to robbing a credit union, a bank and attempting to hold up another bank that resulted in losses that exceeded $65,000. Robert Dean Tyndall II, 56, will be sentenced on April 6. San Diego Superior Court Judge Theodore…
LGBT Softball League celebrates 30 years
On March 20, America’s Finest City Softball League (AFCSL) is turning 30, and celebrating its birthday with an opening day gala that features local celebrities, politicians and an homage to long-time league veterans who made “gay softball” in San Diego a possibility. “For 30 years, our league has provided a safe space for the LGBT…
Pride coming ‘Out at the Park’
Tickets for San Diego LGBT Pride’s annual ‘Out at the Park’ with the San Diego Padres are now available at the Pride office and various outlets throughout Hillcrest. This year’s event, scheduled for 5:35 p.m., May 7, also features a pre-tailgate party replete with hot dogs, hamburgers, beer, cocktails and soft drinks. The party will…
Task Force urges LGBT community to preserve District 3
The LGBT community is being urged to attend a March 21 public hearing of the Redistricting Commission to ensure San Diego City Council District 3 remains unchanged. The show of support is being organized by the newly-formed LGBT Redistricting Task Force. San Diego is expanding its eight Districts into nine, and all Council Districts could…
Laugh at two comedy nights
San Diego hosts several comedy shows geared toward the LGBT community, with weekly and monthly shows. Premiering April 14, at Martini’s Above Fourth (3940 Fourth Ave. in Hillcrest), The Laugh Out Proud Comedy Show features local LGBT comedians Sean Wherley, Lauren Holiday, Larry Tadlock and headliner, Sarah Burford. The monthly show is free with a…