Social Chaos
A vital part of a senior’s life
We, the conquerors of the typewriter and mimeograph machine; we, who can type, take shorthand and fearlessly faced Dictaphone transcription; we, keepers of books with nothing but a pencil and eraser, now find our skills redundant. Adding to the humiliation is the recent triumph of our humble servant the telephone. Once so easy to use,…
Praying to a God Who calls us to act
I am happy to share more on prayer in a postmodern world with the following thoughtful perspective by Alisan Rowland. Alisan and I have served together in ministry for years. She did her clergy internship at our church and currently works as a hospice chaplain here in San Diego. Many of us have heard before…
Prayer in a postmodern world: Persona Divina
Psychiatrist Gerald May begins his book Addiction and Grace with a bold statement, “I am convinced that all human beings have an inborn desire for God”. Although many of us live with such hope, many people don’t have that experience – at least they’re not aware of it until they are in crisis or at…