Kinder Institute Houston Area Survey: support for gay rights has grown significantly among Houstonians

HOUSTON –  As the immigration debate in the U.S. Senate heats up, findings from the 32nd annual Kinder Institute Houston Area Survey show that support for immigration reform has grown significantly among Houstonians. Other findings in this year’s survey: Area residents overwhelmingly support expanding criminal background checks for gun sales, support for gay rights has…

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Pat Robertson:marriage equality supporters are following in the footsteps of the Illuminati (VIDEO)

Discussing the legalization of same-sex marriage in France on an episode of The 700 Club last week televangelist Pat Robertson claimed that marriage equality supporters are following in the footsteps of the Illuminati. Robertson told viewers that the French Revolution was “spurred by the writings of a group called the Illuminati,” which meant “to destroy…

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President Clinton speaks out against DOMA; accepts Advocate for Change Award, at 24th annual GLAAD Media Awards (VIDEO)

LOS ANGELES – GLAAD honored former President Bill Clinton, entertainment attorney Steve Warren, and the best in film and television last night at the 24th Annual GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles.  Actress Drew Barrymore hosted the event.  Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lawrence, Tobey Maguire, Betty White, Chris Evans, Matt Bomer, Kelly Rowland, Darren Criss,…

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Abused children’ pawns in marriage wars, claims disgraced former Navy chaplain Gordon Klingenschmit

As Supreme Court victories in both the Prop. 8 and DOMA cases look increasingly likely, the Religious Right is ratcheting up its attacks on the ‘homosexual’ agenda in an effort to slow the inevitable march of progress. On Wednesday, retired Lt. Gordon Klingenschmit in an email to members of the Pray in Jesus Name project issued…

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