Third Florida judge overturns ban on same-sex marriage

Today, Broward Circuit Judge Dale Cohen struck down Florida’s marriage ban, affirming that the denial of marriage equality to same-sex couples in Florida is unconstitutional.  The judge’s ruling applies to recognition of out-of-state same-sex marriages, as well as overturning Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage – Broward County only. This marks the third time in the…

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Bishop James Mathes to be honored at 39th Nicky Awards

Bishop James Mathes and  The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego will be honored with the prestigious annual Mayor George Moscone Humanitarian Award. State Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins will be presenting the award. The Episcopal Church has been in the forefront of accepting, welcoming and standing for the equality of all LGBT people. The 1st Annual Trans…

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Gay/lesbian Catholics reach out to Catholic bishops on immigration reform

CHICAGO — The Rainbow Sash Movement (RSM/LGBT Catholics) believes that LGBT political leadership should be more involved in immigration reform. Attempts to work with the Catholic Bishops where possible should be attempted, as long as they do not single out LGBT families for condemnation when it concerns immigration policy. The RSM is calling on The Human…

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Vietnamese LGBT community celebrates third birthday in Hanoi

Around 300 activists led a colorful parade through Hanoi on Sunday in the nation’s largest ever Gay Pride event, as communist Vietnam shows signs of increasing tolerance of sexual difference, reports Agence France Presse. The city streets were awash with rainbow flags, as a mainly young crowd cycled and danced through the capital urging an…

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Uganda court strikes down anti-homosexuality law (VIDEO) A court in Uganda struck down the country’s anti-homosexuality  law, Friday amid cheers from a packed courtroom in the capital Kampala. According to a report in the New York Times, a panel of five judges announced that the Anti-Homosexuality Act, which punishes some homosexual behavior with life in prison, was invalid because it had…

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Indian celebrities are taking to social media to support equality rights

INDIA — Indian celebrities are taking to social media to support the rights of the lesbian, gay and bisexual community by pushing for equality in a country that criminalizes same-sex relations, reports This is in response to Humsafar Trust, an organization that promotes LGBTI rights, that recently started a petition against Section 377 on…

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The Old Globe announces ‘Globe for All’ program – touring free Shakespeare

SAN DIEGO — The Old Globe has announced the creation of an exciting new producing platform, Globe for All. This free-of-charge tour of a professional production of Shakespeare will allow the theatre to serve more communities throughout San Diego by collaborating with a diverse range of local organizations. Old Globe Artistic Director Barry Edelstein will direct the first production,…

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With latest attack, HRC renews call for stronger efforts to protect transgender women

WASHINGTON – In response to the violent attack of a 15-year old transgender teenager on the DC metro this week, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has renewed calls for stronger measures to protect transgender people – especially transgender women of color – from violence and harassment. According to the reports, friends who were with the victim…

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New federal bill to allow adoption discrimination based on parents’ religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and other categories

WASHINGTON – If passed, a new piece of federal legislation (S. 2706/H.R. 5285) introduced this week would open a floodgate of adoption discrimination around the country. Penned by Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) and Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA), the new bill would allow adoption or foster care providers to refuse service on the basis of their…

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