Speaker Atkins: ‘California remains a very blue state …’

SACRAMENTO – Following yesterday’s 2014 midterm elections, Speaker Toni G. Atkins spoke with reporters about striking the right balance in the Assembly. “Despite a strong Republican headwind, a record low turnout and a historically high number of seats to defend, the Assembly still retains a huge voting majority,” said Speaker Atkins (D-San Diego). “California remains…

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Naked rowers choose K Anderson’s ‘Cocoon’ to soundtrack new video

Warwick Rowers 2015 Calendar: The Story from Sport Media Productions on Vimeo. The Warwick University Rowing Club, who have recently released their 2015 naked calendar, have chosen K Anderson’s “Cocoon” to soundtrack the accompanying promotional video. (Watch above) The calendar, now in its fifth year, was originally produced to help raise funds for the running…

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Non-discrimination amendment passes in Dallas

Yesterday, voters in Dallas approved nondiscrimination protections for LGBT city employees to the City Charter. The city charter amendment, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity, was passed by 77 percent of voters, according to Lone Star Q. Dallas received 81 on HRC’s 2013 Municipality Equality Index (MEI). The MEI examines the laws, policies and…

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Kansas same-sex marriage ban ruled unconstitutional

A federal judge today ruled against the ban on same-sex marriage in Kansas. The Washington Blade reports that U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree, an Obama appointee, issued a preliminary injunction against the enforcement on Kansas law prohibiting of marriage rights for same-sex couples. The injunction is warranted, Crabtree writes, because of legal precedent and because…

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San Diego’s top doctors recognized for accomplishments in medicine

LA JOLLA – This past weekend, over 730 board-certified physicians in 71 specialties were recognized by their peers for their outstanding work. The annual Top Doctors gala hosted on Saturday, Nov. 1 at the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla brought the best doctors together for a night of celebration inspired by their contributions to the…

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Professional Strongman champion Rob Kearney comes out

In a groundbreaking moment for the sports world, professional Strongman champion Rob Kearney has come out, reports The Huffington Post. Not only is Kearney ranked as the second strongest middleweight champion in the world, but his coming out makes him the first openly gay man to actively compete in a strongman competition at a professional,…

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Marriage equality: Doomsday scenario many anti-LGBT extremists prophesied not happened

WASHINGTON – Over the years, many of the nation’s most notorious and outspoken opponents of equality for LGBT people have warned of the disastrous effect legal marriage equality will have on American society.  Yet today, as same-sex couples can legally marry in 32 states and Washington, DC, it seems the country’s march toward nationwide marriage…

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Republican former Councilwoman Barbara Warden endorses Rep. Peters

Former San Diego City Councilmember Barbara Warden, a Republican who represented the same Council district that Carl DeMaio later represented, has endorsed Rep. Scott Peters and will record a phone call urging voters to support Peters. “I’m a Republican and I feel strongly that Scott Peters is the right choice,” Warden said Monday. “Scott works…

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