Apple opposes anti-LGBT Arkansas ‘Conscience Protection Act’

LITTLE ROCK – This week, Apple Inc., the world’s second largest information technology company, issued the following statement condemning the anti-LGBT bill in Arkansas, HB 1228 – a bill that could allow any person to undermine state laws by citing their personal religious belief as an excuse to discriminate against others: “At Apple inclusion inspires…

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First episode of web series examining issues facing LGBTQ community goes live (VIDEO)

The first episode of WNET and PBS Digital Studios’ new web series, First Person, has gone live. In this episode, host Kristin Russo interviews artist Skylar Kergil to examine transgender visibility and transitions. The series is the first to come as a result of the previously announced strategic partnership between WNET’s Interactive Engagement Group and…

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HRC unveils Website highlighting GOP candidates’ record on LGBT equality

WASHINGTON – As potential Republican candidates gather this week in Washington, D.C. for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) released a new microsite 2016: Republican Facts that will serve as an online resource for documenting the record and rhetoric of potential 2016 GOP presidential candidates, and where they stand on…

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Chinese parents encouraged to ask children if they’re gay after ‘Coming Home’ becomes viral sensation (VIDEO)

An unexpectedly huge hit, Coming Home, the story of a young man who comes out to his parents during the Chinese New Year holiday, has also had the unintended consequence of prompting many Chinese parents to ask if their child is, in fact, gay. BBC Trending first reported this unusual story after word leaked that…

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Veteran Entrepreneurs Today to launch first veteran business owners think tank groups in the nation

SAN DIEGO, –Veteran Entrepreneurs Today (V.E.T.), a project under San Diego non-profit Honoring Our Troops, will launch the first think tank coaching groups for veterans who want to be entrepreneurs at an introductory meeting  March 3 at 6 p.m. Few communities in the U.S. have a focus on entrepreneurial enterprise for veterans. This unique program…

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New European studies show promise of HIV-prevention drug

Findings from two European studies on PrEP were released today at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Seattle. The PROUD study out of England assesses the effect the use of PrEP has on the frequency with which men have sex, how often they use condoms, and whether they contract other sexually-transmitted infections. The…

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