SF Archdiocese to dismantle water system set up to repel homeless at Saint Mary’s Cathedral; issues apology

SAN FRANCISCO — Water sprinklers installed in the doorways of Saint Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco by the Archdiocese of San Francisco to deter homeless people from sleeping there at night will be dismantled. KCBS reported that the San Francisco Archdiocese has apologized for the ‘misunderstood’ and ‘ill-conceived’ effort to keep the homeless out of…

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Commentary: Reviewing Dr. Ben Carson on gay civil rights

In the aftermath of GOP 2016 presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson’s recent stunning “prison” explanation for homosexuality, it is illuminating to look at some of his past statements on the subject. For the uninitiated, Carson, a retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon, New York Times bestselling author, and columnist for the conservative press, told CNN that being gay was…

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Four baggage handlers at San Diego airport sentenced to prison for drug smuggling

Three people have been sentenced to federal prison terms for their roles in a crude but clever scheme to smuggle cocaine and methamphetamine out of the San Diego International Airport. Cameras are everywhere in the airport, but four airport employees went to spots where there are no cameras—men’s toilets. The indictment says each man got…

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HRC: Anti-LGBT legislation in Nevada threatens jobs, economy and minorities

WASHINGTON – Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) sounded the alarm on anti-LGBT legislation in Nevada – SB272 in the Senate and AB277 in the Assembly – that threatens jobs, the state economy, and undermines the state’s civil rights laws. The legislation would allow people to use their religion to challenge or opt out of various laws,…

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Mayor outraged by ‘white people only’ stickers posted on Austin businesses

Stickers that say “exclusively for white people” have been posted on at least six businesses in the Texas capital of Austin. The stickers carry the City of Austin logo and state “sponsored by the City of Austin.” City of Austin officials denied any involvement. In a statement, Mayor Steve Adler said, “This is an appalling…

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Mark Haim’s ‘This Land Is Your Land’ comes to San Diego

In its fifth and most ambitious event to date, youTurn Contemporary Arts Exhibition is bringing the internationally accomplished choreographer, teacher and performer Mark Haim to San Diego April 3 – April 11. Haim will present This Land Is Your Land, his most current work, which is critically acclaimed and has been performed in major cities…

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