HRC: Senate under Harry Reid fundamentally changed the lives of LGBT Americans

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid will retire from the U.S. Senate after the completion of his current term. As leader of the Democratic Caucus since 2005, Reid has played a key role in ensuring legislation critical to the LGBT community passed the Senate, from new Hate Crimes protections, to ENDA, to the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t…

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NGLCC: ‘Gov. Pence, Indiana’s new law is bad for business’

The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) views the passage and signing of Indiana’s new “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” as nothing less than reprehensible. “The law is morally offensive and detrimental to business climate of the Hoosier State. Laws allowing religious exemptions to discriminate are a desperate and callous backlash against the success…

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Apple CEO Tim Cook calls on Arkansas governor to veto anti-LGBT discriminatory bill

Friday, Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, decried Indiana’s new anti-LGBT law allowing individuals to use religion as an excuse to discriminate against LGBT people and other minorities while calling on Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson to veto a similar bill being sent to his desk. Cook tweeted: “Apple is open for everyone. We are deeply…

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New dating Web site offers LGBT singles who love sports to connect

According to the USA Sports Fan Association, 3.8% of the U.S. population are part of the LGBT community and 56% of this community are avid sports fans – that’s 5.4 million people. LGBT involvement in sports is huge – and yet, no platform existed to bring members of this community together – until now.,…

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Office of National AIDS Policy to host National HIV/AIDS Strategy Regional Forums

Over the next two months, the Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) will host four regional forums across the country that will inform the updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy for 2016-2020. Central to achieving the Strategy’s goals is sustained and ongoing dialogue with communities around the country, including state and local health officials, community based organizations,…

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Rep. Peters speaks at Outserve-SLDN National Conference

SAN DIEGO – Today, Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) spoke at the Outserve-Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) Annual Leadership Conference in Downtown San Diego. At the event, Peters thanked Outserve-SLDN for its history of advocacy on behalf of LGBT servicemembers and their families. Congressman Peters also fielded questions from members of the audience. “Our military should…

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Federal judge blocks legally married same-sex couples from accessing FMLA benefits

Thursday, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor  ruled against a policy change allowing legally married same-sex couples in non-marriage equality states to exercise their rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act. The ruling blocks a recent rule change to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) from the Department of Labor (DOL). Judge O’Connor’s decision…

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Gogobot issues warning notice for those travelling to Indiana

Following the governor of Indiana’s signing into law of a piece of legislation which may legalize discrimination against travelers due to their sexual orientation., Gogobot, the travel research and planning site has updated both its Indiana state destination page, and also all 400 plus of its city destination pages in Indiana including Indianapolis, Fort Wayne and Evansville with the…

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