Despite universal health care, Cuba’s reality is grossly lesbophobic

In addition to other forms of discrimination, lesbian and bisexual women in Cuba face unequal treatment from public health services. Their specific sexual and reproductive health needs are ignored, and they are invisible in prevention and treatment campaigns for women. Many lesbian and bisexual women are afraid of gynecological instruments and procedures which they experience…

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Newt Gingrich calls opponents of RFRA a ‘Lynch Mob’ (VIDEO)

In a HuffPost Live interview today, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich joined host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani and slammed the opposition to the recently passed religious freedom bills in Indiana and Arkansas. Gingrich claimed the resistance to the legislation is part of a liberal “lynch mob” mentality and is an example of “selective outrage.” Gingrich:…

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Where do you fall on the spectrum of sexuality? (VIDEO)

Ryan Amador (of 2013’s “Define Me”) has just released a new LGBT-related video for Spectrum, a soul/pop tune that celebrates the diverse scope of human sexuality. Spectrum is a celebration of sexuality and the broad range of different kinds. The track was produced by LA-native Daniel Weidlein and features “Define Me’s” Jo Lampert and NPR’s…

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Tech industry leaders to legislators: Add LGBT non-discrimination protections to civil rights laws

Today, in response to a host of anti-LGBT bills pending or signed in to law in states around the country, tech industry leaders signed an unprecedented joint statement supporting the addition of non-discrimination protections for LGBT people to civil rights laws. Other leaders are also expected to sign on later today. “This unprecedented and historic…

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Indiana restaurant denies service to same-sex couples (VIDEO)

ABC57 News – See the Difference Michiana A pizza restaurant in Walkerton, Ind. is saying they will not provide pizzas to a same-sex couple on their wedding and that they agree with Gov. Mike Pence’s signing of the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act. ABC 57 reported that the O’Connor family, who owns Memories Pizza, says…

Read More highlights Indianapolis’ hospitality to all

Yesterday, added a new graphic to its website to highlight that it welcomes everyone to the city of the Indianapolis. While the nation has been focused upon the issues surrounding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed in Indiana last week, it gets lost that many of the citizens of Indiana are fair-minded welcoming people. On…

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Gov. Pence seeking legislation that makes clear RFRA cannot be used to discriminate

Today, Indiana Governor Mike Pence tried to limit the economic damage and public humiliation he brought to Indiana by signing a widely-denounced, discriminatory anti-LGBT law last Thursday, the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act (RFRA).  While the national backlash against the harmful measure has been swift and brutal, Pence today asked for legislation to be sent…

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