HBO: ‘Vice’ follows stories of homosexuals and transsexuals in Iran (VIDEO)

Ep. 305 Preview In Friday’s episode of HBO’s Vice, Vice Correspondent Thomas Morton follows the stories of homosexuals and transsexuals in Iran as they navigate a terrifying cultural landscape. Post-revolution Iran is notorious for its religiosity: when Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in 1979 he enforced strict Islamic custom that made homosexuality punishable by death….

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White House supports efforts to ban the use of conversion therapy for minors

WASHINGTON – The White House has responded to a petition with over 120,000 signers seeking “help to ban the practice known as ‘conversion therapy.’” The petition came in response to the heartbreaking story of Leelah Alcorn, a 17 year old transgender youth who tragically took her own life after being subjected to the horrifying experiences…

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Thaw in Cuban-American relations holds promise for island’s LGBT community

Johnny Simon and Rebecca Sanchez, who have been focusing on Cuba’s shifting political, cultural and social sands for MSNBC, have taken a snapshot of LGBT life in an interesting, albeit truncated, piece this week. “Though same-sex relationships were technically decriminalized in 1979,” they write, “it wasn’t until 1993 that Fidel Castro publicly stated his opposition…

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AHF rejects claims by former employees

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest non-profit HIV/AIDS healthcare provider in the USA has rejected the claims made by three former managers of AHF who  filed Federal and Florida State Whistleblower Act claims against the company alleging illegal patient referral kickbacks. AHF is charged with defrauding Federal healthcare programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Health…

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Rep. Susan Davis leads Calif. delegation letter in support of Sally Ride statue in US capitol

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego) led a California congressional delegation letter in support of having a statue of astronaut and educator Sally Ride represent California in the U.S. Capitol.  The letter to Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, who is leading the legislative effort in the Assembly, urges the California legislature to approve the resolution…

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Florida Anti-LGBT Adoption Bill enabling taxpayer-funded discrimination dangerously close to passing

Today, Equality Florida, the statewide civil rights organization dedicated to securing full equality for Florida’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) called on lawmakers to abandon an anti-LGBT bill that will enable discrimination — with taxpayer dollars — against prospective LGBT foster and adoptive parents, and place children…

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LGBT rights groups express disapointment over Mormon apostle’s criticism of LGBT families

LGBT rights groups have expressed “deep disappointment” over recent comments made by Mormon Apostle L. Tom Perry disparaging LGBT families and children as “counterfeit.” Speaking at the LDS church’s Annual General Conference over the weekend Perry said, “We want our voice to be heard against all of the counterfeit and alternative lifestyles that try to…

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OutServe-SLDN launches ‘United We Are Strong’ campaign

Today, OutServe-SLDN  publicly launched United We Are Strong, a campaign to unite LGBT military personnel and veterans with the civilian LGBT community in efforts to repeal and block the Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA) and to work to enact anti-discrimination legislation in the 30 states that still do not have protections for LGBT individuals. Yesterday,…

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For one Colombian lesbian couple, adoption remains a conundrum

It was supposed to be as much a day about celebration as it was one of unification: In a case being followed worldwide, Colombia’s Constitutional Court granted the partner of one couple, university professor Veronica Botero, the right to adopt the artificially inseminated children of Ana Leiderman, her spouse, in 2014. But seven months later,…

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