Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declares Indiana-style anti-LGBT legislation is one of his top priorities

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal used his State of the State address yesterday to declare that enacting Indiana-style anti-LGBT legislation was one of his top three priorities as governor. “I know there has been legislation filed this session that aims to protect religio us liberty rights in Louisiana,” Jindal said. “Let me be crystal clear –…

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Diversionary debuts ‘The Silence of the Clams’ April 23

Parody playwright Jamie Morris (Mommie Queerest, The Facts Of Life: The Lost Episode, Re-Designing Women, Gilligan’s Fire Island) is at it again. His all-male spoofs have tackled Joan and Christina Crawford, the Eastland school girls, the Sugarbaker gals of Atlanta, and those seven stranded castaways. Now Morris has set his sights on Hannibal and Clarice,…

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Verizon CEO, leaders sign on to historic tech leaders LGBT non-discrimination statement

Verizon’s Chairman & CEO Lowell C. McAdam, Executive Vice President & President of Operations John G. Stratton, and Executive Vice President & President of Product Innovation & New Businesses Marni M. Walden have added their names to a historic statement calling for comprehensive non-discrimination protections for LGBT people. The news comes as more than 100 anti-LGBT…

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Washington, D.C. councilmembers introduce bill to ensure healthcare providers receive LGBT cultural competency training

  WASHINGTON – Today, Washington, D.C. Councilmembers David Grosso and Yvette Alexander will introduce a bill that would “require continuing education for licensed health professionals on the subject of cultural competence and appropriate clinical treatment for individuals who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender nonconforming, queer, or questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity and…

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HRC to Indiana’s Gov. Pence: ‘Don’t pay for PR advice, we’ll give it to you for free’

WASHINGTON— Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) reacted to news that the state of Indiana’s Economic Development Corporation has retained a public relations firm to help repair the damage caused by the recent passage of anti-LGBT legislation that led to a national outcry. The news emerged the same day that new polling commissioned by HRC…

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Historic lawsuit settled in case of discrimination against transgender employee

A Florida-based organization of health care professionals has settled with a transgender former employee who claimed she was fired because of her gender identity, writes Remington Gregg on the HRC Blog. The case was one of the first two cases ever filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) alleging that discrimination against ahttps://lgbtweekly.jeffjungblut.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=post transgender…

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Same-sex couples still denied right to marry in Alabama

MONTGOMERY— Today, HRC Alabama confirmed that no probate office in the state is distributing certificates of marriage to same-sex couples. Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore and anti-equality forces, like the Alabama Policy Institute and Alabama Citizens Action Program, have put Alabama probate judges in a state of unnecessary confusion. As a result, many probate judges…

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HRC poll shows Gov. Mike Pence is deeply damaged following ‘Religious Liberty’ fight

Gov. Mike Pence finds himself deeply damaged following the fight over Indiana’s “religious refusal” bill that put LGBT Hoosiers at risk for discrimination, according to a brand new poll of Hoosiers by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). And in a warning sign to governors in other states where similar anti-LGBT bills are pending, a stunning…

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