American Apparel launches #EqualityForward with Human Rights Campaign Foundation

LOS ANGELES — American Apparel, the clothing manufacturer and retailer based in downtown Los Angeles, has announced a collaboration with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. Beginning June 1, the apparel company will offer a limited edition #EqualityForward t-shirt and tank top that feature their interpretation of HRC Foundation’s classic symbol. The garments will be sold in the…

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UN Human Rights Office releases report detailing violence and discrimination against LGBT people

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued a new report titled “Discrimination and violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity,” reports Saurav Jung Thapa on the HRC Blog. This report comes in the wake of recent United Nations initiatives to advance LGBT human rights, such as…

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GLSEN Respect Awards honor Matthew Morrison

Last night at GLSEN’s Respect Awards in New York City, Glee’s Matthew Morrison was honored with the Inspiration Award for portraying a shining example of the vital role a supportive educator can have in creating an affirming, positive and supportive school culture for LGBT students.  Other honorees of the night included John Stryker, Desiree Raught…

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PETA offers gay Mumbai man looking for a husband first vegan dinner date

In May ran a story about a 57-year-old Mumbai resident, Padma Iyer, running India’s first gay marriage advert seeking a groom for her son Harish. According to The Time report the ad only made it into Mid-Day after being rejected by other newspapers, including the country’s leading English-language daily, The Times of India, which…

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GSDBA Foundation Scholarship Recipients Announced

The GSDBA Charitable Foundation announced the winners of its 2015 scholarship fund. Five students have been selected to receive $300 to $1250 scholarships from the GSDBA Charitable Foundation Scholarship Fund. The students range in age from eighteen to thirty-nine years old. For the last thirteen years, the GSDBA Charitable Foundation has raised funds to provide…

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John Waters: ‘I support gay marriage not for myself, but for straight gay people’ (VIDEO)

Iconic filmmaker John Waters sat down with HuffPost Live and shared that he supports gay marriage not for himself, but for “straight gay people.” Waters: “I campaigned with Governor O’Malley to make gay marriage legal, even though I’m certainly not going to get married. But for straight gay people, they like to do that kind…

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13 percent of Harvard 2015 graduating class identify as gay, bisexual or something else

As the Class of 2015 prepares to leave Harvard, the Harvard Crimson has published its annual “By the Numbers” survey on the graduating class. Within the findings 13 percent of the Class of 2015 identified as gay, bisexual or something else and 47 percent of those respondents said they have felt marginalized because of their…

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United Airlines shows pride by speaking out on marriage equality

CHICAGO — United and its employees will commemorate LGBT Pride Month this June by marching in parades, sponsoring events and hosting celebrations at destinations across the airline’s global route network. But more than the festivities, the company is marking this historic Pride Month – one in which the U.S. Supreme Court may rule on the issue…

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