Gov. Chris Christie vetoes important pro-LGBT surrogacy bill

TRENTON, N.J. – Last night, on the day before announcing his candidacy for president of the United States, Gov. Chris Christie vetoed important bipartisan legislation passed by the New Jersey Legislature – the New Jersey Gestational Carrier Agreement Act – that would have modernized New Jersey law by giving legal parental rights of a child…

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President Obama honors the positive side of transgender activism at White House LGBT Pride Celebration

The reporting about the White House Pride Reception hosted by President Obama primarily centered upon a persistent heckler berating the president on the treatment of LGBT and transgender immigrants, particularly those being detained in government facilities. The heckler was later identified as Jennicet Gutiérrez, an undocumented transgender woman. Ironically, the very treatment that Gutiérrez was…

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Live footage captures marriage equality history outside Supreme Court (VIDEO)

In the wake of last Friday’s historic ruling on marriage equality, YouTube content creator Raymond Braun released a new video documenting the exact moment outside the Supreme Court when the announcement was made that #LoveWins. In the video, Raymond captures the overwhelming emotions from the crowd that patiently waited for this historic moment of recognition…

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SD Airport Authority to present Airport Development Plan Concept at Community Open House July 14

The San Diego International Airport Authority is holding a community open house Tuesday, July 14 at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., where the Airport Development Plan (ADP) will be discussed. The ADP is the next master planning phase for San Diego International Airport, and will enable the airport to meet demand through 2035. As the…

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Pride Health Challenge: Kurt’s journey

The Pride Health Challenge contestants have been transforming their lifestyle. As we approach Pride, Metabolic Direct and LGBT Weekly wanted to highlight each contestant’s journey. Below is the second Pride Health Challenge story. Here is Kurt’s journey: I started this program “officially” on May 3rd, I was 237 pounds. The first month was a breeze,…

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‘Our Tomorrow’ calls on LGBTQ people across the country to share their voice and help shape the future (VIDEO)

BOSTON, Mass. – After last Friday’s historic United States Supreme Court decision granting same-sex couples the freedom to marry, Our Tomorrow is calling on the LGBTQ community across the country to share their hopes, fears and ideas in their own words to help shape the future of the movement. Launched last month by over 100…

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Leading From the Rear: Carl DeMaio and the Republican Party

Message from the Publisher: I would have laughed out loud if it wasn’t so sad, Carl DeMaio issued a statement after the Supreme Court ruling that partially said the following “Opposition to marriage equality has cost the Republican Party supporters – particularly among the younger generation. This decision provides a reflection point for the Republican…

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YouTube celebrates marriage equality with ‘#ProudToLove’ video

After the emotion of Friday’s Supreme Court decision on marriage equality here’s a moving video to start off your week. To celebrate nationwide marriage equality YouTube put out a spot in recognition of the historic decision. According to YouTube, “Over the last 10 years, everyone from moms to presidents have uploaded videos in support of…

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Trans model makes quarter final of Men’s Health cover competition

Trans model and bodybuilder Aydian Dowling has progressed to the quarter finals of a competition to win the chance to appear on the cover of Men’s Health, reports Pink News. On the last day of public voting in the Men’s Health Ultimate Guy competition, Dowling was still in the number one spot by a large number of votes….

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HRC calls on state officials to remove obstacles to marriage equality without delay

WASHINGTON – After Friday’s sweeping ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States, striking down bans on marriage equality in all 50 states, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) called on state officials to act with all deliberate speed to remove remaining obstacles to marriage equality. In individual letters to the governors and attorneys general…

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