Meet the gay basketball player removed from his Kentucky high school’s yearbook (VIDEO)

Today, YouTube content creator Raymond Braun spoke with Dalton Maldonado about his recent exclusion from his high school yearbook in rural Kentucky for being gay. Dalton attends Betsy Layne High School where he’ll be starting as senior point guard for the boys’ basketball team this coming year.  Dalton was intentionally excluded from the yearbook spread…

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Equality Florida Institute heads back to court on behalf of LGBT families

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Just days ago, Cathy Pareto and Karla Arguello—the first same-sex  couple to be married in Florida—celebrated the birth of their twin son and daughter. But the couple’s joy was soon mixed with fear and frustration when the hospital denied Cathy the right to add her name to the children’s birth certificates. Almost a year…

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International Transgender Conference anticipates 1,000 participants

SEATTLE, Wa. — Gender Odyssey, an international conference focused on the needs and interests of transgender and gender-nonconforming (GNC) people, will be held in Seattle, WA Aug. 19 – 23. The conference is expecting approximately 1,000  diverse set of participants, from practitioners to activists to families to trans and GNC individuals of all ages. This…

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Kristin Beck slams Huckabee with tweet: ‘I am twice the man that you could ever be’

Mike Huckabee is well-known for his transphobic remarks. In last week’s Republican debate Huckabee said that the military doesn’t need to accept transgender people and that the military is not up for some “social experiment.” On hearing Huckabee’s comments, transgender congressional candidate and former Navy Seal Kristin Beck was quick to respond with a tweet…

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Kentucky high school omits gay basketball player from yearbook tribute page

An openly gay high school basketball player has been omitted from a yearbook tribute to the team. Outsports reported that Betsy Layne High School in rural Kentucky this year had a two-page yearbook spread that featured all of the seniors on the boys basketball team except Dalton Maldonado, the team’s starting point guard who came out…

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Mexican Supreme Court rules adoption ban on same-sex couples unconstitutional

Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that prohibiting same-gender couples from adopting children was unconstitutional. reported that a Mexican law prohibiting civil unions that bans both heterosexual or homosexual couples from adopting minors was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) on the basis that the union is recognized as…

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GOP debate and the Kasich Moment

During the Fox News telecast of the first GOP Presidential candidates’ debate, I gasped as Ohio Governor John Kasich, a former U.S. Congressman and close political ally of then-Speaker Newt Gingrich, admitted he had attended a same-sex marriage. Kasich, alone among his fellow candidates, actually admitted he didn’t hate LGBT people or the new tradition…

Read More petition aims to put Greg Louganis on the Wheaties box

It’s never too late! A petition has appeared to help bring legendary diver Greg Louganis to the iconic Wheaties cereal box. Louganis set a diving record in the 1984 Olympic games in Los Angeles when he won two gold medals.  He became the first man to reach 700 in platform diving.  Louganis was diving’s…

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KKK fliers call for ‘gay bashing’ and banning ‘non-white immigration’ in Louisiana

Fliers distributed by the Ku Klux Klan in a recruitment drive in Louisiana contain anti-gay and racist hate speech. “Stop Aids: Support Gay Bashing,” one flier distributed in Mandeville said. “Homosexual men and their sexual acts are disgusting and inhuman.” The flier also called to ban “non-white immigration,” and to “deport mud people,” reports Raw…

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Logo to premiere ‘Out & Around,’ a revealing look at the global LGBT community

Today, Logo announced the television premiere of Out & Around, a documentary that follows couple Jennifer Chang & Lisa Dazols’ 342 day global journey with unprecedented interviews and profiles of LGBT leaders from more than a dozen countries. Logo will premiere the film, in association with the It Gets Better Project, on Logo on Monday,…

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