Stark differences between California and Maryland

Toni Atkins is the Democratic State Assemblymember representing the 76th Assembly District. In February, she submitted the Gender Nondiscrimination Act (AB 887), which is sponsored by Equality California and the Transgender Law Center. According to the Transgender Law Center and Equality California, AB 887 seeks to strengthen employment, housing and other civil rights protections for…

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Was full inclusion the reason why ENDA failed to pass last congress or not?

There seems to be conflicting statements coming from Rep. Barney Frank and his Legislative Assistant Diego Sanchez regarding why the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) didn’t make it out of the House Education and Labor Committee in the 111th Congress. In a January, 2010 article for The Advocate Rep. Frank stated, “There continues to be concerns…

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A look at a real world, personal transgender agenda

When conservative Christians and other social conservatives talk about the “homosexual agenda,” it seems they often come up with outlandish ideas of what it would be. You know, stuff like trying to recruit teenagers into “the homosexual lifestyle,” lesson plans on “homosexual sex” in kindergartner classrooms and scary “men in dresses” invading public female restrooms…

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Is it asking too much?

Maybe it was too much to hope for. To hope that President Obama would say the word “transgender” in his latest State Of The Union address. I’m very aware that the visible part of the transgender sub-community of the LGBT community is pretty small, and my sub-community’s concerns are easily lost in broader pictures. But…

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