
Reach the loyal, LGBT consumers in San Diego. San Diego LGBT Weekly publishes and distributes over 37,000 copies each month that are the source of news, entertainment and commentary for the San Diego LGBT community and beyond.

Our newly launched  provides up-to-the-minute information about issues and entertainment that are relevant and of interest to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Fully integrated with our Twitter and Facebook accounts, the online and social media presence of San Diego LGBT Weekly offers a unique opportunity for advertisers.

The combination of our print and online presence makes San Diego LGBT Weekly a natural choice for advertisers interested in reaching the highly educated LGBT consumer, who also has high disposable income relative to the general population.

Your advertising dollar will go farther and will reach an extremely loyal and knowledgeable customer base.

To discuss your advertising strategy, please contact:

John Rutherford
(619) 546-8398