Women’s march to take place in San Diego day after inauguration!

Womens March SDSaturday, Jan. 21, 2017, thousands will gather to march at the San Diego Women’s March, held in solidarity with the Women’s March On Washington. Women, men and children of all backgrounds, ethnicities, abilities, religions, orientations and political affiliations will come together at 10a.m. for this peaceful event the day after the presidential inauguration in response to the negative climate around women in the recent election. Start and end of the march will be at Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier. All are welcome to attend.

“We, San Diego Women’s March, are peacefully marching in San Diego in solidarity with the Women’s March in DC. We are dedicated to a free and open society,” sdwomensmarch.com stated. “Together we stand united in our respect for all people and we resist the marginalization of anyone. As a diverse, inclusive community of compassionate people, we seek to strengthen and continue our commitment to work for the protection of women’s rights. We stand firm in agreement that women’s rights are human rights.”

More information: http://sdwomensmarch.com/.


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