Thanksgiving Day 2016. Well, so much for the prediction the Trumpites would protest in the streets if Hillary won and how awful and un-American that would be. The entrails seem to have been mis-read. Obviously, my advice to vote, at least, for the senate was ignored. I suggest you ask all who complain if they voted. If they didn’t, command them to hold their tongue and declare they got what they deserved. Such stern chastisement coupled with a glowering visage should rouse them to participate next time. Back to the task of writing an article combining being thankful and recent events. I’ll try.
Thanks for the backtracking on several statements. Thanks for an egotist who wants to be the most popular, the greatest. To achieve these goals, he may act contrary to our expectations. Thanks for his good health which shields us from the Bible literalist VP-elect who, given a chance, will wreak havoc on our LGBT community. Thanks that as seniors we will be little affected; although, our children and grand-children will be. Thanks for the friends who sustain us through this initial shock with sympathetic understanding. Thanks also for friends who drifted away this year, but hopefully will return when the dust settles. Thanks for my positive mindset which reminds me our country is the well-named “melting pot;” a compliment reflecting its resulting strength and worth. Thanks for its variety of citizens who all want our nation to be great; admittedly following different paths, but great is still great. Thanks for the chance to do it all again in a couple of years. Thanks for the Chinese trite, but true, “We live in interesting times.”
Where, oh where, is my flip-phone?
The young cashier had trouble when the register froze; he could not figure the change for a $20 bill on an $18.83 purchase. The manager appeared and gave him the answer, but only after taking out her smart-phone and doing the difficult math problem thereon. I and the lady next to me exchanged raised eye-brows. Remember giving change by counting up or even doing the math in our head?
Then there was spelling (usually correct), chatting while eating lunch together, knowing a zillion phone numbers, keeping appointments in our head, etc. Something happens daily to revive such memories and make us crave the old days. But truth to tell, when we first came in contact with new inventions like television, 45’s, push-button phones, electric typewriters (with that ball!), etc. we greeted them eagerly. Today’s generation is doing the same. The difference is the extent the machines take over their personal relations, friendships and social life. Phantom voices make decisions, instruct how to drive home and admonish to lock the door. We had mothers to do that.
The main culprit is the omnipotent smart-phone/computer duo whose power and control gets stronger daily. Apps are continually added allowing them to do more while enabling us to do less. In certain jobs (i.e. cashier) we actually can’t do them anymore. Once we hear “Sorry. The computer is down” no one complains. They know nothing can be done but wait.
I confess I gave in and bought a smart-phone, but I can’t understand 90 percent of it. I pine for my reliable flip-phone. It lies lonely and ignored in my desk. I daren’t use it lest the ridicule and shame force me into reclusion.
Hi Bill,
It was great fun to meet you last night at Drew and Puma’s for Game Night. Much laughter and fierce competition for the win, even though it wasn’t us.
Happy Holidays
Luke Terpstra