Save your money and stop using those energy drinks! You are deluding yourself if you think these are the answer to getting the power for your workouts and everyday life routine. If you are dependent upon these types of drinks then you are doing something wrong.
The energy drinks are nothing more than coffee disguised as a superhero. Sure there are plenty of vitamins that are loaded into these drinks, but you can get all those benefits from a daily multivitamin. If you need a jolt then just grab a one dollar cup of joe from McDonalds. However, you should not have to continuously rely upon coffee and caffeine to shake you from the grips of fatigue.
You need to know why you are tired and not able to have enough energy for your day. My first guess is that you aren’t getting the sleep you require. Adults should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. This is not up for discussion! If you get less sleep than this you will not be operating at full capacity.
Change your routine and make room for your recommended sleep routine. Begin with the hours of the day that you will be sleeping and plan the rest of your day around that. Sleep is your foundation for everything else. If you don’t have the right foundation then you will be navigating through a haze of impairment.
Get enough exercise during the week and you should be able to fall asleep faster when the head and pillow meet. An exercise routine is a fantastic sleep prerequisite that naturally works to prepare you for bedtime. The exercise also helps with more restful sleep through the night. You aren’t likely to need any energy drinks when you’re well rested.
Eat three meals and enjoy snacks between those meals each day. These meals will provide you with the strength you need to replace your $5 energy drinks. Correct eating habits will go a long way in keeping you with pep in your step for all the demands of your day.
Be certain to include carbs, protein, and fat in your meals. Stay away from those diets that restrict carbs, protein, or fat. Each of these is important in maintaining a healthy balance in your life. A good healthy equilibrium just means that you will have the necessary vigor for completing your daily routine.
Water is going to keep your body alert and ready for action too. The recommended eight glasses of water every day will keep the body operating efficiently. Energy drinks and their caffeine are diuretics that push water out of your body. Small doses of caffeine are not bad for you, but continued doses will disrupt the levels of water in your system.
The energy drinks are a way for companies to make money from you by making you think you really need their product. You don’t need their product though! Change your life for the better and begin experiencing the long-term benefits of healthy living. Say goodbye to yesterday and hello to today!
This wellness is brought to you by that guy who will be six and one half years old in dog years soon. That sign of Aquarius guy is Ron Blake and he can be sent birthday spankings in lieu of flowers at rblake5551@hotmail.com.