The horror of the Orlando killings is being attributed by most to homophobia, “fear of homosexuality.” The word is not correct as we are clearly not dealing with fear here, but with hate. Using “miso” the more appropriate Greek root, makes the correct formation of the word “homosexualmisia” or more simply “homomisia.” But I guess it is too late to change and the results would be the same.
We seniors grew up amid LGBT prejudices and we made our way in the world adjusting our lives as best we could. The recent world-wide support clearly demonstrates the passing years have produced dramatic improvements in public attitudes. In some ways, however, the current generation has become complacent as the number of anti-LGBT acts have declined and when they do occur the outrage is sincere, but short-lived.
The scale and atrociousness of this recent tragedy will strongly focus attention on our struggle and the haters surrounding us. My love and sympathy go out to all including the Muslim community which is so suffering from the unfair backlash. It is like blaming all Christians for the actions of the proudly Protestant KKK.
Our community has long been the object of slurs and lies feeding the myths and fears because people think no family member or friend is LGBT. Fight them and open their eyes. Let them know the truth. Speak up and actually say “Hey, I’m LGBT and that is not funny,” or “You’re talking about my friend, sister, uncle, dad, aunt.” I hope they (like Mayor Jerry Sanders) will see the light and become supportive. Maybe we should revive: “We’re here. We’re queer. Get used to it.”
Inconceivable birthdays
My fellow seniors, it is a shock to learn and hard to acknowledge, but Marilyn’s 90th birthday just passed. (If you have to ask, “Marilyn who?” you are reading the wrong column.) The majority of those on the UT’s birthday list are unknown, but the first few are always great favorites. Seeing their ages, however, makes me realize my own. These unexpected reminders pop up when we glance at the vaguely familiar face in the mirror, gasp for breath half-way up the stairs or struggle to get out of a low chair.
These things haven’t happened yet? Wait. Solutions or adjustments are possible. Walking up the stairs is great exercise, just go slow. You can look younger and more energetic by simply standing straight, shoulders back. Rise from sitting with the help of a cushion or buy a higher chair. Look your best: go easy on the make-up, try a new hair style, clip the ear and nose hair, shave or trim and don’t forget to smile.
Clothes that no longer fit are a big negative, so enjoy shopping for new, fashionable outfits suited to your body modifications. You do not want to look foolish, so be mindful of your age and reality; even in Hillcrest there are limits. With a spiffy outfit you will look and feel better when you mingle with friends in a chat or hobby group or attend a movie, concert or restaurant. To rejuvenate, splurge once in a while. If not for dinner, then just a fancy dessert place. We may be retired, but we are not the aged men and women stereotypes we grew up with when 65 meant rocking away a couple of years with pipe or knitting patiently awaiting the reaper.
This wouldn’t be for Marilyn and it isn’t for us either.