When can we wave goodbye to Prop 8 once and for all?

proposition 8 | lgbt weekly
proposition 8 | lgbt weekly
pro-LGBT supporters rally against Prop 8 | photo source: Babble.com

Yesterday’s filing of a motion to dismiss the decision that California’s Prop 8 is unconstitutional sat on the brains of thousands of Californians nationwide. A combination of wasted tax dollars and desperation eddied as pro-LGBT organizations wondered at the basis of the unprecedented act.  Really? We’re here, again?

And, it’s true – Californians are here again: debating Prop 8 like it’s November 2008 all over again. It seems like the disbarring of the unconstitutional law didn’t sit well with anti-gay activists as they centered in on U.S. District Court Judge Walker’s personal life – and what anti-Prop 8 activists say was unfit character to rule on the law.

“This reeks of a hail-Mary attempt to assail Judge Walker’s character because they are unable to rebut the extremely well-reasoned ruling he issued last year. It’s becoming a sadly typical move of the right:  don’t like the ruling; attack the referee,” said Jon Davidson, Legal Director for Lambda Legal, in a public statement.

Anti-gay activists against the disbarring of Prop 8 argue that Judge Walker should have disclosed his ten year relationship with another man before ruling on Prop 8. As if that would, in some way, carry clout against the U.S. District Court Judge.

It’s as absurd as saying a Catholic Judge could not rule appropriately in a Presbyterian or Muslim religious liberty case. But here in America, there is religious freedom abound – while civil liberty sits in a dim corner.

“Assuming that being in a same-sex relationship renders some judges unable to interpret the law and do the job they have sworn to do insults both judges and America’s system of justice,” said Davidson.

Time may be the great healer. So we wait as LGBT supporters coalesce once again to rescind Prop 8 once and for all.

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