Singer/songwriter Lenny Gerard reveals hidden facts about domestic violence with music video

What traditionally goes ignored by the mainstream media is an epidemic that disrupts the status quo of reporting. We commonly do not see abuse as something that affects men, however a CDC/DOJ National survey and statistical analysis points to men being the primary recipients of intimate partner violence.

A Man Is The Victim Of Domestic Abuse Every 37.8 Seconds In America

July 4, 2014, singer/songwriter Lenny Gerard, was beaten by his intimate partner outside of a bar in Queens, NY. Bystanders watched, many in amusement, as Lenny was assaulted by his (then) partner. This raises an immediate question on equality and what has become a norm within abuse reporting. How would this have been handled and/or perceived should this have been a man beating a woman?

Silent no longer, and in an effort to raise a heightened awareness, Lenny Gerard and partners have created a Public-Service-Announcement (PSA) and Music Video Campaign. The promotion touches on the important issues of domestic violence against men and how it often goes unnoticed; thus limiting resources and programs for battered men across the world.

Filming took place in Downtown Los Angeles, at the historic Hotel Cortez – also used in FX’s American Horror Story: Hotel – staring Lady Gaga.

Lenny will be introducing a national campaign, with the hashtag #menRvictims2, in March of 2016 to raise mainstream awareness about this important issue of domestic violence amongst males.

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