Second annual Bisexual Awareness Week to be held Sept. 20 – 26; events across U.S. and online

Bi 2LOS ANGELS, Calif. — The 2nd annual Bisexual Awareness Week (#biweek) will run from Sept. 20 – 26, with Sept. 23 marked as the “International Celebrate Bisexuality Day.” Events throughout the week will touch on diverse issues related to bisexual visibility, identity and community. With events in cities across the country and several online opportunities for participation for the bi community and allies, this year is expected to be the most successful yet.

Said Faith Cheltenham, President of BiNet USA: “In a world increasingly acknowledging the complexity of human sexuality, including bisexuality and sexual fluidity, BiNet USA is thrilled to support a national conversation that accelerates the cultural acceptance of our community. This year’s awareness week has garnered unprecedented support from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organizations who are committed to amplifying the voices of bisexual people, who are often rendered invisible in the media and public spheres.

“Despite comprising more than half of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual population, bisexual people are only about one third as likely to be out to their close friends and family, ” said Heron Greenesmith, LGBT Movement and Policy Analyst at the Movement Advancement Project. “As shown in our new infographic, two-thirds of bisexual people report hearing negative comments at work and bisexual people are more likely to report negative health outcomes.”

“#biweek events like the LA Bi Arts Fest let us celebrate the resiliency of the bisexual community and hear from artists, newsmakers and celebrities like Transparent’s Ian Harvie on how bisexuality supercharges every intersection of our lives,” said Robert Ozn, LA Bi Task Force chairperson.

The 2015 Bisexual Awareness Week is presented by BiNet USA in co-sponsorship with GLAAD with generous support from the Arcus Foundation.

Events scheduled for Bisexual Awareness Week:

9/20 – Portland, OR: Join the Portland Bisexual+ Community for Sunday Coffee @ the newly reopened LGBT cafe Triumph with The Bi Brigade

9/22/15 – Washington, D.C.  Bi+ Community Health and Wellness Festival for #BiWeek 2015, with a reception starting at 6:30 at the Equality Forum at HRC. The event will begin with a reception and an official proclamation of Bisexual Awareness Week from the DC Mayor’s office. Free on-site HIV testing will also be available during the reception from Whitman Walker Health.

9/23/15 – Los Angeles, CA, LA Bi Arts Fest featuring #biweek panel discussion about bisexual invisibility and intersectionality of issues related to sexual orientation, performing and fine artists from across the LA bisexual spectrum.

9/24/15 – San Francisco, CA based #biweek Twitterstorm coordinated by the National Center for Lesbian Rights

9/25/15 – Boston, MA: Bisexual Resource Center event celebrating 30 years of the BRC, the oldest national bi organization in the U.S. that advocates for bisexual visibility and raises awareness about bisexuality throughout the LGBT and straight communities

New York City: Staged reading of a new play by Dr. Herukhuti about Black men and bisexuality, My Brother’s A Keeper, on the campus of New York University, 5:30pm by the Center for Culture, Sexuality and Spirituality

Minneapolis/St Paul: Bisexual Organizing Project is sponsoring a community social event with presentation of Community Recognition Awards. Appetizers and soft drinks provided. Cash bar and full menu service available.

Other events to be announced throughout the week as September 20 approaches. Check back at and for updates and news!

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