Mat Staver: Making Kim Davis do her job is like requiring her to provide licenses to ‘sodomize children’

Mat Staver
Mat Staver

Mat Staver, the Liberty Counsel attorney who is representing Kentucky clerk Kim Davis has come up with yet another outrageous comment on the case.

Right Wing Watch reports that Staver appeared on the “WallBuilders Live” radio program today, where he said that requiring Davis to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is like requiring her to provide licenses to “sodomize children.”

“A clerk provides licenses to do something,” Staver explained. “A license to operate a motor vehicle on the road, a license to build a particular facility or a license to do this or a license to do that or a license to operate a business. So that person is licensing someone to do something and in this case, they’re licensing what? They’re licensing something that is directly contrary to the core of their religious convictions, to engage in sinful activity among same-sex relations and sanction something that is contrary to the Scriptures and that is marriage of two people of the same sex.”

“To force someone like that to give a license for something that will legalize, that will put a stamp of approval on something that is absolute rebellion against God, sinful, then that is a direct collision of unprecedented magnitude,” he continued, saying that requiring Davis to do her job is like requiring her “to grant a license to engage in pornography, to grant a license to sodomize children or something of that nature.”

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