OutServe-SLDN launches ‘United We Are Strong’ campaign

Today, OutServe-SLDN  publicly launched United We Are Strong, a campaign to unite LGBT military personnel and veterans with the civilian LGBT community in efforts to repeal and block the Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA) and to work to enact anti-discrimination legislation in the 30 states that still do not have protections for LGBT individuals.
Yesterday, OutServe-SLDN initiated this campaign by sending a letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense, Dr. Ashton Carter, to encourage base commanders to place public establishments that are knowingly and openly discriminating against LGBT individuals onto the list of “off-limit” establishments for service members.
The list of “off limits” establishments are those public entities and areas which do not help maintain good order and discipline, and the appropriate level of health, morale, safety, morals and welfare for armed services personnel.
Now, OutServe-SLDN is asking you to join the campaign in a few ways:
  1. Sign the petition, show your support.
  2. Create a 1 – 2 minute YouTube video about how you envision United We Are Strong and why you support this campaign
  3. TellOutServe-SLDN if you have experienced discrimination. Share your story so that they can enact the change that is needed. You can submit your story, confidentially, here.
  4. Change your social media profile pictures to the United We Are Strong logo (below) and share your thoughts on the campaign on Facebook and Twitter using the #unitedwearestrong.

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