Toni Atkins endorses Todd Gloria for 78th Assembly District

Toni Atkins

SAN DIEGO – Assembly Speaker Toni G. Atkins today endorsed Todd Gloria in his bid to secure her 78th Assembly District seat. Atkins is termed out in 2016. In her endorsement statement for Gloria, Atkins was also full of praise for Sarah Boot who withdrew from the race to also endorse Gloria.

Atkins said, “All of us who live in the 78th Assembly District should be proud that we have people seeking to represent us of the caliber of Todd Gloria and Sarah Boot.

Todd is a dynamic leader who has an in-depth knowledge of San Diego’s challenges and opportunities, and he has a strong love for our community.

Todd’s future holds a number of exciting options, and I am pleased he has chosen to run for the Assembly.

Having served the people of this district for five years, I know Todd will do a wonderful job succeeding me in the Assembly. Given our shared experience serving on the City Council and as Acting Mayor, I have great respect for Todd’s ability to bring people together — a quality that will serve him well in the Legislature.

I am delighted to endorse him.

Running for office is a difficult decision. So is leaving a race. Sarah Boot deserves our thanks for putting herself out there and putting her hat into the ring.

Sarah Boot’s future is also filled with bright options, and we are fortunate that she will continue to be a strong voice and a major contributor in San Diego politics and civic life. I also appreciate the fact that her endorsement will help San Diego coalesce behind Todd Gloria.”


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