As a progressive, I believe there are many names for God and many ways to a loving God; this article reflects one of those ways. Take from here what works for you. Celebrate life with joy and peace!
This is a Litany we will be using at MCC San Diego (The Met Church) for Transgender Day of Remembrance Sunday, Nov. 23. We honor and remember those who have fallen prey to violence for simply being who they are. We pray for peace and understanding in a world that needs to hear the Good News of God’s inclusive love for all people.
Please feel free to use this as we remember our transgender sisters and brothers.
Pastor Dan
One: We praise you, Holy One, for the gift of life, precious, stubborn, fragile and beautiful; we are grateful for the time we have to live upon the Earth, to love, to grow, to be.
Many: We give thanks for the will to live and for our capacity to live fully all of the days that we are given.
One: And for those who have been taken by the devastation of violence used against them we remember them and claim the opportunity to build lives of wholeness in their honor.
Many: We give you thanks for the partners, friends, allies and families who have been steadfast in their love; for the people who have devoted their life’s work to the prevention of violence, support and making transition from one gender to another possible with passion and commitment.
One: For the diligent science, brilliant ideas and insights that have led to new, life-giving procedures, for those in leadership who have acted to provide health care for people who are in transition.
Many: We give thanks for those whose prejudice and judgment has yielded to understanding, for those who have overcome fear, indifference or burnout to embrace a life of caring compassion.
One: We praise you, Eternal One, for those who have loved enough that their hearts have broken, who cherish the memories of those we have lost and for those who console the grieving.
Many: God, grant us the love, courage, tenacity and will to continue to make a difference in a world even with the violence aimed toward our community.
One: Inspire us to challenge and stand strong against the forces that allow the needless harm and violence to continue – prejudice, unjust laws, repression, stigma and fear.
Many: Into your care, we trust and lift up the hundreds of souls who have been tortured and murdered.
One: We lift up to you our dreams of a world where all are cared for.
Many: Our dreams of wholeness.
One: Our dreams of a world where all are accepted and respected.
Many: A dream we know you share.
This litany is provided by Rev. Paul Turner of Gentle Spirit Christian Church of Atlanta for use in the Transgender Day of Remembrance. It is reproduced here with his permission. Please feel free to use it in your own vigil or service.