When it comes to the fight for LGBT civil rights, my philosophy has been, and will always be, the greater good for our community. Essentially, that means sometimes I vote for candidates that have philosophies that may negatively impact me personally, but will advance the cause of LGBT rights.
For example, I have problems voting for those who are Republican because their party platform is anti-LGBT. Would I benefit by voting for a Republican from a financial standpoint? Absolutely. So if my financial interest was more important than being equal in society, my vote would be to pull the lever for a Republican. But I always vote for the greater good, the ability for LGBT people to live openly and honestly without reprisal.
Do I believe that all people, including those less fortunate in the LGBT community, deserve health care? Yes. I have very good health care through my husband’s company and I could say, “I’ve got mine.” What I say is, “Everyone deserves to live. No one should die because they cannot afford health care.” So when I go into the voting booth I vote for those who share this philosophy. The greater good.
Often politicians try to ignore the national platform of their party when running for local offices. Many try to ignore what their national leaders say about LGBT civil rights as they ask for our vote. In my humble opinion, you need to think of the greater good. What will benefit the LGBT community the most, not what will benefit you personally. I mean if you are not considered equal, does anything else matter?
There are those “leaders” in our community that have shown their true colors. They will support a candidate who is part of a party that actively works against LGBT civil rights; your right to marry the person you love, equal rights under the tax system, the ability to kiss your loved one in public, or simply to have children taught the contributions of LGBT people in history class.
Don’t get me wrong, I have voted for Republicans who have broken with their party platform and advocated for LGBT rights. I worked for the re-election of Mayor Jerry Sanders; he deserved our vote for his leadership on the freedom to marry. Think about the time that you first saw the video of Mayor Sander’s tearful support of our community and his daughter; it is permanently embellished in my brain. Sanders did what was best for the greater good, not his political career.
Sanders told his party to f*** off. He knew what was best for his family, his daughter and the world. That is courage and that is leadership. Many say that LGBT rights are not the purview of the mayor. Really? The civil rights of every citizen in San Diego should not be the concern of our mayor? Shouldn’t our mayor be concerned with immigration rights, LGBT equality and anything that prevents each person in our community from reaching their potential? I think so, and so should you.
There are those that say the mayor should simply balance the budget and fill potholes. That’s a simplistic view that produces future politicos that run for governor and president that show their real colors once in office. “I really am anti-LGBT and now I have enough power to say it,” as the newly elected official laughs knowing the LGBT community has been fooled.
It is time for us to stop voting for someone who refuses to be an advocate for our rights, all of our rights. After all, to repudiate those who think we are second-class citizens is easy. Easy if you are about the greater good – equal rights.
San Diego LGBT Weekly
Thanks for your editorial, Stampp. It is perfect for readers just prior to an important election for San Diego’s next mayor. The two candidates, both city councilmen, couldn’t be more different. If you haven’t decided who to vote for….educate yourself. Like most LGBT people, I will be casting my ballot for David Alvarez.
Too bad the “Mayor of Hillcrest” (aka Nicole who was given that moniker by iMayor Todd Gloria) doesn’t follow his publisher’s lead to care about the “greater good” and equal rights.
If Nicole Ramirez chooses to endorse Republicans like Carl DeMaio and mayoral candidate Kevin Faulconer (who’s now running away from the R-word), he just continues to show his true colors…me, me, me promoting people who will hold Nicole in their favor, not represent the average citizen or neighborhoods.
Tune into KUSI’s mayoral debate Monday night at 8pm — http://sandiegofreepress.org/2014/01/the-kusi-mayoral-debate-looking-for-clues-between-the-platitudes/