Lesbian waitress caught in lie after claiming ‘lifestyle differences’ prevented couple from leaving a tip

Dayna Morales

In what appears to be a hoax, a New York couple has stepped forward with proof that claims by a former Marine, Dayna Morales, stating that she did not receive a tip on a $93.55 bill on the account of her ‘lifestyle’ have proved dramatically incorrect. According to NBCNewYork.com, “The husband and wife, who asked to remain anonymous, showed NBC 4 New York a receipt that appeared to be printed at the same minute, on the same date, for the same $93.55 total, except with an $18 tip. They also provided a document they said was a Visa bill, which appears to indicate their card was charged for the meal plus the tip, for a total of $111.55.”

The story comes shortly on the heels of a similar story out of Overland Park, Kan. where a waiter was also stiffed on his tip when a couple wrote, “Thank you for your service, it was excellent. That being said, we cannot in good conscience tip you, for your homosexual lifestyle is an affront to God. (Homosexual slur) do not share in the wealth of God, and you will not share in ours,” the customer wrote. “We hope you will see the tip your (homosexual slur) choices made you lose out on, and plan accordingly. It is never too late for God’s love, but none shall be spared for (homosexual slur). May God have mercy on you.”

To add insult to injury, the couple accused of stiffing the waiter (who have asked to remain anonymous) added, The husband said he and his wife have both worked in restaurants and believe in the value of tipping, and noted that he didn’t vote for Gov. Chris Christie because the governor doesn’t support gay marriage. “Never would a message like that come from us,” they were quoted as saying.

To date, Morales, who serves at Gallop Asian Bistro in Bridgewater, N.J., has not commented on the story and whether or not she plans on returning the numerous tips that were sent in after her initial story broke.


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