Recently, I was saddened to read some of the attacks and, yes, hate expressed by many GLBT bloggers, writers etc. against religious right-wing leader, the Rev. Rick Warren over the recent tragic suicide of his son, who suffered from depression. My heart goes out to any parent who loses their son because of suicide, bullying, murder etc.
America has witnessed the rise of suicides and more people with depression problems now more than ever, especially in our GLBT community.
Some years ago in my weekly column I candidly wrote about my own personal depressions and how, at times, I couldn’t even get out of bed and would shut everyone out.
In my more than four decades of writing a column I have never to this day gotten such a response and hit such a chord within people. More than a hundred people emailed, wrote and, yes, called me to tell me about their depressions and even thoughts of suicide and thanked me for being so honest and open about my depressions.
Many of these emails told of their heartache, hurt and loneliness. The people who reached out to me about their battles with depression came from all walks of life in our GLBT community.
As I said then, try to be there for your friends; be compassionate and understanding; talk to them about going into counseling.
Believe it or not, a friend in deep depression that seemingly is shutting you and everyone out, under it all, needs to know that you care and love them and needs to know that you will always be there for them.
Laurie Coskey to run for 3rd District
Almost everyone in the progressive and civil rights movements knows and values the decades of leadership, compassion and integrity that is Laurie Coskey.
This past Monday night we went out to dinner and she informed me that after talking to many people who have urged her to run for the City Council she has decided to throw her hat in the ring for the 3rd District.
Currently Dr. Laurie Coskey is on the board of our City’s Convention Corp. and is chair of the Trustee Advisory Council of the San Diego Community College District. But she is best-known as the executive director of the Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice as she gives voice for the voiceless and her compassion for the poor and those being discriminated against and marginalized is almost legendary.

Laurie has lived in San Diego for more than three decades and has two sons. Being bisexual, Laurie Coskey joins other potential candidates Stephen Whitburn and Chris Ward as three possible strong candidates to keep this council seat within the GLBT community.
I personally like all three of these people and they would do our community proud but I wish two would drop out so this time around we could be united in this most important council race.
The Judy Shepard Family Values Award
Oct. 12, 1998 our nation focused on Wyoming and the brutal hate crime of 21-year-old student Matthew Shepard. His grieving parents vowed to themselves that they would do all that they could to make sure no other parent would have to go through what they did.
Now, almost two decades later Judy Shepard has become a most beloved icon in the GLBT community and her Matthew Shepard Foundation has become one of the most respected GLBT organizations in the nation.
This past Saturday night in Denver I had the honor to make the first presentation of the newly established Judy Shepard Family Values Award to Mrs. LeAnna Weston who has two gay sons and has devoted her life to PLFAG.
I have the honor to sit on the board of governors of the Judy Shepard Family Values Award (as the founder/honorary chair) and Dr. Rosie Valdez is the current chair. For further info: drrosie.satx@yahoo.com
2013 Harvey Milk celebrations
Finally the Harvey Milk Street sign in Hillcrest stands alone – after a year the City took down the old Blaine Street signs.
This year’s annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast only has a few tables left and it will be sold out again with more than 1,000 people.
The night before, Thursday May 23 the Harvey Milk Foundation and Stuart Milk will host a private reception in honor of Gov. Barbara Roberts of Oregon and Oscar-winner (and very handsome) Dustin Lance Black at the Hillcrest estate of the Weiss family. More info: 619-692-2077. And word is a U.S. postage stamp in honor of Harvey Milk could be being issued in the near future!

And, the Harvey Milk All American Diner will be opening in Hillcrest in 2013.
Today is “Nite-Out”
Join thousands of San Diegans going out for lunch and dinner today (Thursday April 25) at any participating restaurant as it’s “Nite-Out” day in San Diego. Let’s erase HIV/AIDS from the world!
Nicole Murray Ramirez has been an award-winning columnist since 1973, and a Latino and gay activist for well over 40 years. He is currently a city commissioner and has served the last six mayors of San Diego. He is also a national board member of the Harvey Milk Foundation and chairman of the International Court Council of the USA, Canada and Mexico. Nicolemrsandiego@aol.com