RuPaul: both trans-positive and trans-negative

Monica Beverly Hillz

I want to love RuPaul as a drag performer for his trans-positive actions, yet I find I can’t because of his trans-negative statements. I can’t quite reconcile my mixed feelings about him.

RuPaul’s Drag Race (on Logo’s basic cable channel) has had three transgender contestants on it. Two of those contestants came out as trans after their seasons ended, but on this season – season 5 – there is an out transgender contestant named Monica Beverly Hillz.

I’ve read an interview of Hillz online, as well as several articles about her, and it appears she’s going to be a wonderful representative of the trans community to that part of gay community that enjoys watching drag and reality show drama.

That RuPaul and his producers have a trans drag performer on their show is significant; it’s a trans-positive development. It means, as one of the producers said when queried about having a trans contestant in season 5, that Hillz being trans wasn’t a consideration for participation in the show. It speaks to a progressive view on trans community members – I know many gay men in conversations with their gay peers say quite derogatory things about trans women so RuPaul and his producers are bucking the trend.

I might have watched this reality show specifically to watch the transgender contestant, much as I watched Top Model during the season that transgender contestant Isis King participated. (Well, at least until King was eliminated as a Top Model contestant.)

But, even though on one level RuPaul is trans-positive, he’s also trans-negative in his choice of language regarding trans people – especially trans women.

Back in January 2012, RuPaul did an interview with Michelangelo Signorile of SiriusXM’s OutQ and the Huffington Post Gay Voices where he commented on an incident where Lance Bass used the term tr**y, and then apologized to the trans community for using the term that he previously didn’t know that to many trans people is a derogatory epithet. RuPaul’s comment was, “It’s ridiculous! It’s ridiculous! I love the word ‘tranny’… and I hate the fact that Bass has apologized. I wish he would have said, ‘F-you, you tranny jerk!’”

“F-you, you tranny jerk!” Clearly RuPaul used the term tra**y as an epithet in that quote. He uses, and supports others using, language that many trans people find offensive – and used an “f-you” to make that point.

In’s article (Jan. 12 2012) “RuPaul ‘loves’ using the word ‘tranny’”, Ruth Fine reported on RuPaul’s take on the now-defunct sitcom Work It which depicted two men faking female gender in order to score better jobs. RuPaul stated, “Don’t take life so seriously … we live in a culture where everyone is offended by everything.”

There, RuPaul used the derailing tactic of “You’re just being oversensitive,” implying here that trans people are looking for offense where none really exists; that nothing in that television show was really hurtful, offensive or bigoted to trans people.

Just as many African Americans identify terms that their community members find offensive, such as “boy” and the n-word; just as many women identify terms that they find offensive, such as the c-word; just as many LGBT community members identify terms that they find offensive, such as fa**ot; many trans community members identify tra**y as an offensive term.

The GLAAD Media Reference Guide has identified tra**y as a problematic term that media folk should avoid using.

RuPaul’s is a media figure. His use and support of others using a term, that is considered transphobic by many trans people, is very trans-negative. Yet, he and the producers of RuPaul’s Drag Race, by including a trans contestant in this season’s show, is doing something that’s very trans-positive.

Which goes to show that one can be trans-positive and trans-negative at the same time; demonstrating that allies can be inconsistent allies.

12 thoughts on “RuPaul: both trans-positive and trans-negative

  1. Seriously, who cares? RuPaul may be “transportive,” but he, like many drag performers is insulting to women. Drag is comparable in many ways to the black-face performers of the old minstrel shows. It is a parody of women. It can be amusing, but is often actually insulting. Not that I would expect a lot of trangender people who claim to be women to actually understand…

    1. Oh, just eff off you stupid, outdated second-wave feminist. From a woman who enjoys drag, not being a drag like you

      1. Such comments usually come from someone who cannot rationally defend their position. I think it is sad that all you bring to this discussion is your own hatred.


  2. Many of my feminist friends are offended by RuPaul and the drag style portrayal of women, is if as though portraying women in “man face” is somehow acceptable. This from the very same group that screams “hate crime” any time anybody makes fun of gay men.

    Get this straight guys, you are not going to get acceptance until you hold yourselves to the same standards as you hold the rest of us.


  3. This article sports the same poor quality journalism, broken links.
    Autumn you and your editor really need to get with the program.

  4. I think referring to RuPaul as a “faggot” or “n” or “queer” would be analagous statements. I wonder how amusing he might find that?

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