The Center For Excellence in School Counseling and Leadership (CESCaL) will be presenting the 4th annual National Educator Conference focused on LGBTQIA youth. The conference, titled Supporting Students – Saving Lives, will take place in San Diego, Feb. 15-17, at the DoubleTree Hotel.
According to GLSEN’s National School Climate Survey, nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT youth were harassed at school. When students don’t feel safe, they are less likely to learn and more likely to give up on school altogether.
For the past three and a half years, CESCaL has brought together national leaders in education and LGBT experts to empower and teach educators the attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary to create needed change in schools.
Supporting Students – Saving Lives is the only national educator conference focused on this topic.
The goals of the conference are to teach and empower educators with:
– Knowledge of laws and rights of LGBTQIA students and resources available to
students and families
– Attitudes that empower educators to take personal responsibility as advocates
for LGBTQIA youth
– Skills to access resources and to create safe, welcoming and inclusive schools
for all LGBTQIA youth
Keynote speakers include Michael Yudin, deputy assistant secretary of elementary and secondary education, U.S. Department of Education, Becky Pringle, secretary-treasurer, National Education Association and more.