
Presidential terms compared

Dear Editor,

I want to make two points about the presidential election. Firstly, during Bill Clinton’s eight years, my net worth went up 87.79 percent; under George W. Bush’s eight years, it went down 0.41 percent; and so far under Barack Obama, it has gone up 39.56 percent. At this pace, it could well outperform the Clinton record, given a second term. Draw your own conclusions.

Secondly, I find it ironic that the right-wing fundamentalist Protestants are depending on the first political party ticket in U.S. history that does not include a Protestant to restore the America they feel has slipped away from them.


Mission Hills

Nicole’s column: no reasoned arguments, just insults

Dear Editor,

I know that there is not a chance in hell of this happening, but I really wish that your publication would stop running Nicole’s column. I won’t say that it completely lacks value, but when it is used as a bully pulpit or just a vehicle for Nicole to display his hatred of various individuals, it is simply pathetic. I don’t think that it does any good for the community in that it is an example of in-fighting, and I think that your publication would be taken more seriously without it. I understand that it is an opinion piece, but there are never any reasoned arguments for said opinions, just insults like these:

“The new 9th District was supposedly cut up for another Latino district, (yea, which worked out just great – huh, Linda Perine)” – Oct. 11, 2012

“But a snake like Johnathan can’t help but be a snake… I knew about your first kiss and when you had your first roll in the hay with Carl. Know this, Johnathan Hale, when you attack me I will respond and I will not do so by also having paid employees attack, like you do.” – Jan. 26, 2012, one of several columns (partially) dedicated to Nicole’s personal beef with Mr. Hale.

I know that the purpose of this column is community gossip and opinions, but when it gets into baseless insults like those toward Ms. Perine (he accused her of racism in a previous column – that is something that should never be thrown around loosely in print) or silly personal details about Mr. Hale’s sex life, it offends me as a community member, as I know it does others. I do not recommend your publication solely because you give Nicole an unchecked platform for insult-hurling; I absolutely would recommend the publication were the column gone.

Again, I know that the column is a community fixture and don’t expect it to ever go away, but I know I’m not alone in thinking this way, and you should know how your publication is perceived by all of the community. Thank you for reading my message.


San Diego

In response to “I Think I’m Not Going to Vote” (LGBT Weekly #99)

Dear Editor,

First let me say, great article. It seems that those that don’t take the time to vote are always the ones with the loudest complaints.

One thing I noticed you failed to mention was the law that requires employers to give their employees up to two hours during a shift to go to the polls and vote, if there is not a sufficient amount of time either before or after. I am a permanent absentee voter only for the fact that I don’t like dealing with the lines and the feeling that I need to hurry up and get out. I am sick to death of hearing the excuses that people have for not voting. There are over 1 million voting age San Diegans, but barely over 600,000 registered voters. That baffles me.

I agree with how things are done in Australia. Vote or pay a fine. Since we can’t really do that here, I say “Vote or sit down and shut the hell up.” It’s those that refuse to vote that put people like George W. Bush and quite possibly Carl “Dingbat” DeMaio in office.


San Diego

Concerns about Nicole’s column

Dear Editor,

It is with increasing concern that I watch LGBT Weekly columnist Nicole Murray Ramirez deteriorate as a leader of our community.

In the middle of a hugely important election cycle, Nicole thinks it is useful to try and create turmoil in the community. Rather than use his column to help our efforts to elect Bob Filner Mayor, Scott Peters to Congress, LGBT candidate Dave Roberts to the Board of Supervisors and Democrat Sherri Lightner to District 1 City Council, he attacks a highly respected lesbian community leader and a well-known and liked young Latino in the name of Stephen Whitburn’s candidacy for an election that is three to four years away.

In so doing, he demonstrates once again that far from being a leader, he is, at best, a distraction to the real work of the LGBT and progressive communities. At worst he is an “enemy inside.” While at one time his actions may have helped this community, his irresponsible use of his column and connections show a complete lack of concern or understanding for the importance of the election that takes place in less than a month.

Nicole, you apparently don’t care what is important to this community right now. You clearly have no understanding of the issues and very real dangers we faced in the 2010 redistricting. Between your ignorance and irresponsibility, and the incumbent’s self-absorption, we could have easily lost the “gay” district you claim to love. Far from castigating Linda Perine, you and other community “leaders” should acknowledge her immense contribution to the D3 and San Diego as a whole. If she hadn’t stood up to you and Todd and done the right thing we would be in a world of hurt right now. Maybe that is why you seem to hate her so much – she is strong and smart and she won’t kiss your fanny.

From your rigged and fraudulent Nicky Awards, to your ignorant and vicious column, you have become a liability to the LGBT and progressive communities. Please stop your childish and disruptive behavior at least until after the election.

Note to Stephen Whitburn: You should think long and hard about accepting this kind of “help.” If you can’t take on a 20 something straight guy and a lesbian leader who isn’t even a candidate on your own, maybe you aren’t the right guy for the job. Show some backbone for once – distance yourself from Nicole’s destructive nastiness.


San Diego

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