He’s a jock; he’s pretty hot (at least for a partially computer-generated character in a 3D stop-motion animated film); and although he’s not the star of ParaNorman (in fact, his is a fairly small role), Mitch, who is voiced by Casey Afleck, has a pretty gay response to a female charcter who asks him out to a movie.
“Sure!” Mitch says. “You’re gonna love my boyfriend.” He adds that his boyfriend loves “chick flicks.”
Right on cue, anti-equality groups, such as the Family Research Council have weighed in, warning America that the “homosexual agenda” is now permeating children’s entertainment and corrupting the minds of the young.
Conservative columnist, Nancy French wrote in the National Review that somehow, if you take a kid to see ParaNorman, the drive home will likely require a treatise on gay sex (huh?).
Writes French, “…parents who take children to the new movie ParaNorman might have to answer unwanted questions about sex and homosexuality on the way home from the movie theater.”
National Catholic Register‘s film critic Steven Greydanus offers a dark admonition to parents regarding ParaNorman and it’s secondary cast member, the odious and gay “Mitch:”
He writes, “…despite its appealing animated look, ParaNorman is not family fare even for more adventurous kids…”
Released by Laika, the production company that brought other stop-motion animation cult classic, Coraline, ParaNorman is getting a lot of buzz. That buzz is translating into ticket sales. Currently the film, released through Focus Features, is No. 5 at the box office, raking in $6.6 million last weekend.