Maine anti-gay activists Paul Madore and Mike Heath have spawned a new campaign Tuesday called the “No Special Rights PAC” to include their first action called a “truth pledge.” The campaign follows on the heels of Pride Week at the University of Maine, aiming to denounce a November ballot imitative that would allow Maine residents to vote on marriage equality in the state.
The “truth pledge” is a set of 11 promises that voters can take to disrupt LGBT equality in the state of Maine. The campaign refers to November’s ballot initiative as “Sodomy Based Marriage” and refers to LGBT equality as “hellish” and “evil doctrine” comprised by an “attack by demonic forces.”
The pledge reads in part:
I pledge that I will:
1. Go to the polls and vote NO on Sodomy Based Marriage in November.
3. Use the term “Sodomy Based Marriage” and avoid the deceptive terms “same sex or gay marriage.”
4. Inform my friends and neighbors that the term “same sex marriage” contains two contradictory terms, and is therefore, illogical, false, and absurd.
5. Marriage is a Covenant that is entered into between two people and is based on a difference in gender; and there can be no moral or legal right to a practice which defies logic, common sense, and the Natural Law itself.
9. Reaffirm the Christian Church’s teaching that a child must never be denied the right to have both a mother and a father. Oppose the hellish doctrine that parents of the same sex make better parents than parents of the opposite sex, an evil doctrine which is now being advanced by the homosexual rights movement.
11. Pray that God will deliver our State and Country from this attack by demonic force, and that marriage between man and woman will be restored to its rightful place of honor, to the glory of Almighty God.
As noted by, an organization for the rights of LGBT People, Madore and Heath “[frame] the effort around so-called ‘religious freedom’ and protecting children,” adding that “No Special Rights PAC is fighting with fear and trying to erase same-sex families and the many faith communities that support them.”
The Pride Week celebration is put each year by the University of Maine’s organization, Wilde Stein. Wilde Stein is one of the oldest GLBTQ organizations in the state of Maine, started in the early 1970s. They are just a small group of college kids that are trying to create a safe and accepting place on campus. It’s actually one of the most influential in the area, branching out into the community. A large portion of the queer community there have been to Wilde Stein.
They are a great group of kids, but it’s sad to hear the hate they was being spewed out during their Pride Week. But if I know anything about that organization, their haters are their motivators and they will find some way to spin this into an affirmation of love, equality, and peace.
Actually I would oppose the right of Mr. Madore and Mr.Heath to marry and breed.
The world does not need a second generation like these two clowns.