Westboro Baptist Church ‘stages’ picket of Whitney Houston funeral

Gay News - San Diego

Though the Westboro Baptist Church vowed to picket Whitney Houston’s funeral this weekend, the group was a no-show at the Newark-based memorial for the deceased singer. But that didn’t stop Margie J. Phelps, daughter of the church’s founder, from virtually picketing the funeral with what appears to be Photoshopped image of the church rally, although numerous media outlets reported the church never showed up.

Phelps’ first tweet contained the allegedly staged photo:

Gay News, San Diego

Phelps’ second tweet complains about the attention that Westboro Church did not, in fact, attend:

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The group also released a YouTube parody titled, “God Will Always Hate You, Whitney” to the tune of “I Will Always Love You.”

As for the church taking up issue with Houston, it appears the discrediting stems from the pop singer’s popularity among the LGBT community. The Westboro Baptist Church has previously picketed the funerals of Matthew Shepard, Michael Jackson, and Steve Jobs.

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