GQ apologizes for tweet dissing Adam Lambert and gay community

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GQ released its annual Year In Style fashion report Tuesday, which documents the year’s best and worst fashion faux pas. In tandem with the report, the men’s fashion mag took to Twitter to promote the looks. And in an unfortunate faux pas of their own, GQ tagged Adam Lambert in a tweet that read:

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GLAAD took to the issue in a statement saying:

Clearly, the New York-based editors of GQ understand that being gay isn’t the result of a hormone imbalance.   The remark was meant as an insult, and while insult comedy is the bread-and-butter of catty end-of-year worst dressed lists, the editors of GQ should know better than to disparage their own readership in an attempt at humor.

GLAAD tweeted back to the fashion mag:

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GQ apologized with the following tweet:

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GQ has taken steps to prevent the issue from happening in the future.

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Adam Lambert // Photo Credit: GQ

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