Bonnie Dumanis for Mayor …

Crown Prince Max 5 years old Crown Princess Vivian 3 years old

Bonnie Dumanis for Mayor 2012…

In just the last week, a groundswell of support has erupted for District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis for mayor in 2012…We are talking prominent Democratic, Republican and Inde-pendent leaders who have already endorsed and are making it known that Dumanis is their clear choice. Even this past Sunday’s edition of the Union-Tribune reported that many early supporters of Nathan Fletcher are now, and I quote, “Switching to Bonnie Dumanis.” Yes, the very popular Dumanis even received the largest ovation of all the public officials introduced at the recent Martin Luther King Breakfast. Bonnie Dumanis, a former superior court judge, has a long history and an outstanding record of public service and San Diego civic leadership that stretches to all neighborhoods in San Diego. The mayor’s race is nearly two years away with nearly a dozen candidates already talking about their possible campaigns for this office…in a crowded political race the “early bird gets the worm” philosophy is already working for Bonnie Dumanis as her early endorsement and supporter list is growing by the minute.

And yes, I have complete bragging rights for this column…as I was the first one to predict that Bonnie Dumanis would run for mayor in 2012…I knew I should have taken some bets as I would be very wealthy now! As for all the calls I’m getting, you let Bonnie Dumanis know herself that you’re supporting her for mayor as I’m tired of telling her…Go Bonnie go!

Clyde Dugosh and Michael Breitenstein of Inscriptu, Inc.

39th Annual Coronation Ball ends in two and a half hours!

Setting a history breaking record, this year’s Imperial Court Corona-tion Ball ended in just two and a half hours, including the introductions of visiting courts from throughout the U.S.A., Mexico and Canada!!! The event started with the singing of the national anthems from the three countries and the presentation of their flags. This year’s theme was A Military Affair and we honored LGBT veterans who made a big difference in the lifting of the DADT ban, and they were San Diegans Lt. Colonel Stewart Bornhoft (a West Point graduate), Joseph Rocha, Evelyn Thomas of Get Equal and Ben Gomez, President of American Veterans for Equal Rights…Rocha also received a $1,000 Harvey Milk/N.M.R. student scholarship. With visiting Canadians, Mexicans and Americans from all over, all the events and many bars were extra packed (over $3,000 was raised for the Tijuana AIDS Fund.)

Former State Senator Jarret Thomas Barrios (Massachusetts) national president of GLAAD and Charles Robbins, the national executive director of the Trevor Project were honored with the “International Jose Julio Sarria Civil Rights Award”…in 1961 World War II veteran founder of the Imperial Courts became the first openly gay candidate to run for public office in North America. Another special guest at this year’s event was Empress II de San Diego, Toby Lear who was elected in 1973!

The visiting Courts of Canada and Mexico were dressed in full regal attire and many in the standing room only audience were active duty military, dressed proudly in their uniforms. The outstanding entertainment included a twelve all-male (very well-built and handsome) dance troupe from Sacramento, performing a full military number that drew a standing ovation. Newly inducted members of the “San Diego Royal Family” were Crown Princes Nick Moede and Aaron Heir and Crown Princesses Lisa Sanders and Megan Yaples. At the beginning of the Coronation Ball, State Assemblywoman Toni Atkins and City Councilman Todd Gloria brought greetings and welcomed our out of town visitors from the state and city. Among this year’s special San Diego honorees were Nick Moede (Mrs. Rosa Vasic Business Award), San Diego Ambas-sadors of the Trevor Project (Queen Eddie Community Service Award) and Emperor Chris Grinston, Empress Selena Diamond and The Lady Ajax. Many of our city’s visitors stayed at the Park Manor Suites and loved it as well as our sunny weather. Congratulations for a year well done to Emperor Brian and Empress Regina (they gave out over $60,000 during their reign) and best wishes to our new monarchs, Allan Spyere and Empress Erika Odessa!! I’m sorry I had to leave the Coronation early because of illness (I’m feeling better) and you’re all invited to become members of the New Court…info (619) 300-1232.

Mayor Sanders swears in District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis

Thank you Jeff Wergeles!

Many times there are very hard working and dedicated community activists and workers behind the scenes…Jeff Wergeles, Director of Development for our LGBT Center is definitely one of those individuals. His leaving The Center to take a position with the ACLU of San Diego will be a great loss for our community. Wergeles was always a top professional and a very hard worker and, trust me, dedicated way more than an eight hour day so many times a week. During some very difficult times Jeff helped our Center survive and keep its doors open, and we all owe him much. I had the privilege of working with Jeff on the now annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast of San Diego County (this year on May 20) and I will always respect and appreciate him for putting up with me as the “founder/co-chair” of this event which draws over 1,000 people together from all over San Diego. I most sincerely thank you Jeff and wish you the very best, as well as your lifelong partner Sal Arechiga.

Big Mike’s birthday party raises over $3,000 for the Trevor Project

The popular Caliph Lounge was packed with well-wishers and good friends of one of our community’s most popular personalities and activists – Big Mike Phillips! The Imperial Court de San Diego was proud to have sponsored the fun birthday bash, which drew numerous community leaders, including public officials like County Supervisor Ron Roberts, City Councilmen Todd Gloria and Carl DeMaio and School Board member Kevin Beiser. The buffet was fabulous (thank you Tom Brown, Sherman Mendoza, Park Manor Suites, Maria and Linny Thomas) and fabulous birthday cake makers Danny and Chuck. The San Diego Ambassadors of the Trevor Project showed up in full force, as well as many San Diego businesspeople, both gay and straight. It was great to also see Mr. and Mrs. John McCusker who we all love. Over $3,000 was raised and a big thank you to Russell Royball, deputy director of the National Gay Lesbian Task Force in Washington D.C. who was in town for the Coronation Ball (he is a “Crown Prince”) and gave $1,000! Thank you to Caliph owner Sherman Mendoza and San Diego LGBT Weekly, SDGLN and SDPIX, Rage Magazine, Blade, Clyde and Mike of Inscriptu, Allan Spyere, Frank Lechner, Imperial Court members and all of you who gave…We love you Big Mike!

3 thoughts on “Bonnie Dumanis for Mayor …

  1. This incessant sucking up to Dirty Dumanis is very unbecoming. How you can call this terrible politician an “outstanding choice” is beyond me? I would like to know what crack pipe Nicole is smoking to gush like this over someone like Bonnie who only uses her gayness to suit her politically and then puts it back in the closet when she is schmuzzing all the good ole boys around town? But I do agree with Nicole on one point…when she admonishes Bonnie to go, Bonnie, go! I agree with that-Bonnie can go away since she will most certainly NEVER be Mayor!

  2. Anyone but bonny dumanis for mayor! Yes, she is a lesbian, that is good! But she is making a career out of prosecuting medical cannabis businesses in San Diego which are approved and needed by the citizens. Her all-out war against the sick and dying of San Diego should disqualify her from any public position in the future. Please do not vote for this woman! Thanks.

  3. If entering the race early is an advantage in the election, why has Ms. Dumanis refused to participate in any early debates? And I don’t think she is being endorsed by Democrats; most Democrats prefer Bob Filner for Mayor.

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