Shortly after a US judge had ruled they could not, a lesbian couple in Virginia has been allowed to change their names.
Leigh Anne Ruth Hunter and Jennifer Beth Surber, who have been together for eight years and have a baby daughter, asked Judge C Randall Lowe to change both of their second names to ‘Hunter Surber.’
Judge Lowe originally granted Surber’s name change, but then subsequently denied Hunter permission in November saying that she had requested the name change for a “fraudulent purpose” – to pretend that the couple was married. The state of Virginia bans same-sex marriage.
The couple approached the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for help.
Kent Willis, ACLU of Virginia executive director said, “The Virginia law banning certain legal relationships between same-sex couples creates confusion for judges and feeds the deeply rooted prejudices that still haunt gay men and lesbians in this state.”
Judge Lowe reconsidered his opinion and stated, “The court finds the name change would not be made for a fraudulent purpose and reverses the prior findings of the court.”
Commenting after the reconsidered ruling, Willis said, “We’re pleased that Judge Lowe voluntarily agreed to rehear this case and that he listened to our arguments. It’s a good sign when public officials are open-minded about the rights of the LGBT community.”
The name changes will take effect after Judge Lowe signs a final order.