FAIR Education Act prepares for another battle

Students should learn the full spectrum of education, including LGBT history. // PHOTO: Lambda Literary

Even though the anti-gay group Stop SB48 failed to collect enough signatures to qualify for a referendum that would have appealed the pending legislation, the group is up to it again. This round, Stop SB48ers will aim to remove all language that references lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from student curriculum. The group will try to collect enough signatures to qualify for the November 2012 ballot.

“Having failed once, they’re now attempting to collect enough signatures to qualify a November 2012 ballot initiative that would strip LGBT people from the landmark law,” said L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center CEO Lorri L. Jean.

“There is no doubt they’ll continue to raise the false specter of harm to children as they try to push another discriminatory ballot measure. They want to continue to portray a false version of history… And that is the REAL harm to the next generation.”

If Stop SB48 is successful, students will not learn about important LGBT activists, historical figures, and influential leaders including Harvey Milk, Billie jean King, Bayard Rustin and many more.

“It is an insult to the people of the great state of California to pedal measures so blatantly designed to stimulate prejudice. If they raise enough money this time, they could succeed in qualifying the measure for next year’s ballot. But that does not mean they will win.”

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