The feisty Patti Stanger stacked up a few more enemies yesterday after her criticism of gay men, who, according to her, are unable to commit to monogamy. The accusations aired live Sunday on the show Watch What Happens Live.
As a part of the show’s premise, Stanger took calls from love-seekers, doling out free advice from fans of the show. After discussion on gay monogamy, Stanger responded, “In the gay world, there is always going to be ‘open’ – there is no curbing gay men. I have tried to curb you people!”
Talk show host Andy Cohen, visibility offended but in good spirits, rebutted, “I’m down for monogamy.”
Stanger burst into laughter.
Later, as a gay lovebird Skyped into the show looking for a long-term relationship, Stanger said, “First of all, you’re very handsome. I thought you were straight.” Cohen quipped, “I don’t know why being straight is a compliment.”
“Because he’s not queen-y,” she replied.
Stanger responded to the bad press by posting the following tweet: “Attn male Gays: I support you & my comment on WWHL was to a LA guy who can’t find commitment.”