Hillcrest Pride cleanup raises $1,000 donation

On Monday morning, July 18, volunteers with The Clean T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) emerged at the corner of Park Boulevard and University Avenue to begin cleaning up the neighborhood after the weekend’s Pride celebration. More than 40 individuals showed up and donned gloves at 7 a.m. to sweep Hillcrest’s sidewalks and raise funds for the Hillcrest Town Council (HTC), the sponsor of the event.

“Every year, Pride brings a certain spirit to the neighborhood for the entire weekend and the Monday following Pride, cleanup event continues that same spirit,” Hillcrest Town Council board member Dave McCulloch said. “Although the cleanup may leave our hands dirty at the end of the morning, it sure makes the streets around University Avenue look sparkling clean.”

Together, the group swept sidewalks down University Avenue to Sixth Avenue – discarding trash, cigarette butts, party remnants and random rubbish along the way, also combing nearby residential streets.

The cleanup is the annual fundraiser for HTC. Pride donates $10 for each volunteer hour toward the effort. By the end of the event, the group logged a total of 101 hours, thus providing HTC a donation of $1,000.

For more information about HTC, log on to hillcresttowncouncil.com.

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