Second annual Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit comes to New Orleans Dec. 4-5

NMAC’s second annual Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit will come to the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Dec. 4-5. The Summit brings together hundreds of HIV advocates and experts from health departments, community based organizations, industry, and health care providers around the country to learn how to best incorporate biomedical HIV prevention resources into their plans. Registration closes Nov. 3, while exhibitors and sponsors must register by Oct. 16. For a full program of Summit events, activities, and speakers, visit

“HIV prevention plans now have a wide assortment of techniques they must use, including the adoption of Treatment as Prevention (TasP) and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP),” said NMAC Executive Director Paul Kawata. “It’s not just about condom use anymore. Now that the CDC has said that an HIV-positive person with an undetectable viral load cannot transmit the virus to others, it’s clear that biomedical approaches must play a larger role in preventing new HIV infections. The Summit will give attendees the training and information they need to best incorporate the use of medications in both HIV-positive and HIV-negative people to stop the spread of the virus. The adoption of these approaches give us a real path to potentially ending the epidemic.”

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